Chapter 17

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It's been several hours since Y/N watched some woman get shot and killed right in front of her eyes. No one ever went to collect her body. It even stayed there as Rumlow tortured her.

After Rumlow found out that Y/N is the only person who can break the block in her mind, he thought the only way she'd break it down is if her mind was too weak to keep it up. While the nightmares and the fake memories affected her, they didn't affect her enough. The thing he knows the most is physical torture, so that's what he decided to do.

He chained her up to the wall and pushed enough drugs into her system that it would take her hours before they'd finally fade from her bloodstream and allow her to heal. He used all the tools he had. He used knives to cut her deep enough to hurt but not deep enough to kill. He electrocuted her, beat her, whipped her, and not once did he ever break her.

It wasn't until Rumlow stepped out of the room did someone give him a better idea. "This is never going to work. She will never break and soon all the pain you have inflicted will heal. I would know." Rumlow looks to his right to see Gerard Argent staring at the beaten girl through the one-way mirror. "Physical pain will heal but psychological pain will last forever."

"We already tried that. It didn't work." Rumlow informs him, walking over to Gerard. Hydra was currently working out of Gerard's basement. He has rooms capable of holding Y/N and he's the reason they found her in the first place. It's also a place that no one would ever think of because everyone thinks he's still some sick old man who has no connection to Hydra.

"Have you ever heard of white torture?" Gerard questions.

"I don't think so," Rumlow wasn't sure if the question was rhetorical or not, but he answered anyway.

"It's also known as white room torture. It's a technique that aims for sensory deprivation and isolation. We put her in an all-white cell to deprive her of color. We put her in white clothes, and we only feed her unseasoned white food. The room is soundproof, and lights cover the ceiling to not allow shadows. Let's cut off all her senses then we'll drive her to her breaking point." Gerard explains.

"How do we do that?"

"Usually you wait a few months or a few years until they drive themself crazy, but we won't need to wait that long. I believe you still have copies of all the videos you took of her before. There's a certain video that I'm certain will break her if we play it over and over again." Gerard smiles sinisterly as he continues to watch the girl he plans to destroy. Stiles took his granddaughter's life, and he plans to watch Y/N take Stiles'.


"You're lying." Stiles takes a step back from Derek with a confused look on his face. Y/N must be here. There is no other possible answer.

"I'm not." Why would Derek lie? Why would he ever lie about his girlfriend being missing?

They turn towards the jet's entrance as everyone enters the quinjet. Steve walks in first carrying Peter bridal-style in his arms. They all have sorrowful and defeated looks on their faces. Stiles watches as everyone walks in but there is no Y/N. He knew by the looks they were giving him that Derek wasn't lying.

"I-I don't understand..." Stiles mumbles under his breath as Scott walks up to him. She was supposed to be here.

"We looked everywhere but she's not here. She was here at one point but she's not here anymore." Scott quietly tells Stiles.

Stiles' mind is running. He slowly sits down on the seat behind him as his mind blocks out the noise around him. The only thing he can think about is that his sister is gone. She wasn't here. They should've left sooner. There's a part of his mind telling him to yell at Steve that if he would've believed them sooner, they could've gotten her in time, but yelling at him won't change anything.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now