Chapter 9

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"Who knows?" Steve looks up to stare at Fury.

Everyone was now sitting around the living room while Fury and Maria stood in front of them. So many questions and emotions were running through their minds.

Maria shares a look with Fury, "We are the only ones who know. We made the decision we thought would be the best for the team."

"Best for the team," Bucky scoffs under his breath.

"Barnes..." Fury trails off, not knowing what to say.

"You thought that telling us that Y/N was dead would be best for the team?!" Bucky exclaims, his metal arm clenching into a fist, "Was it really best for the team, or was it best for you?!"

"It was what was best for everyone." Maria tries to explain.

"Telling me my daughter was dead was what was best for everyone?" Tony asks in disbelief.

"We did wha–" Fury starts before Tony cuts him off.

"What about me?! What about Y/N?! We could've found her years ago!"

"How do you know that this nurse girl is your daughter?" Maria asks, glancing around the room at everyone's faces, "All you've shown us is a picture of her holding a bear and she happens to have the same name. How do you know for certain that she's Y/N?"

"We don't." Steve answers for Tony, "But we're going to find out. We'll find her and we'll run some tests. We will figure this out."

"What about the girl?" Fury asks.

"What do you mean?"

"What if she isn't Tony's daughter? What if she is? You said she spoke about a brother, right?" Steve nods his head in response, "She was taken from you when she was three and she was taken from Hydra when she was four. How long has she lived with the family she has now? Peter might be her brother but according to her, she has a different one. How is she going to feel when you uproot her entire life? You said she doesn't recognize you, so how do you think the little reunion will go? Do you expect her to leave everything she has here behind and move back home with you? Do you expect her to be the same girl who wanted to be Thor when she grew up or who always had to go to Barnes when she had nightmares because she swore his metal arm scared them off?"

They know in the back of their minds that he's right. They know that if she is their Y/N she will not be the same girl they remember. They don't know what she's been through, and she doesn't seem to know them at all.

"We can't just let it go. If she's not Y/N, then she's not Y/N. But what if she is? She deserves to know her family." Natasha explains.

"What about the family she has now?" Maria questions.

"Look, we aren't going to make any decisions until we know for sure. Right?" Bruce looks to the rest of the Avengers.

Multiple scenarios were running through Tony's head. What if it's not Y/N? What if it is? Would she go back home with them? Would he move here to be closer to her? Does she really not remember them?

"You said they kept files and videos of her." Tony rubs his hands together in a nervous fashion, "I want to see them."

"No, you don't," Fury responds sternly.

"Yes, I do. That's my daughter and I deserve to know what they did to her."

"I will give you the files, but I am not giving you those videos."

"Why not?" Tony stands up in anger, "It's my daughter on those tapes."

"That's exactly why you don't get to see them." Maria tries to explain to him, "That's your daughter on those tapes and you should never see her like that."

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now