Chapter 8

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Y/N, Peter, and Stiles are driving along the road of Beacon Hills. They just left Beacon Hills Animal Clinic and are heading towards Y/N and Derek's apartment so she can clean up. While her bullet wound is now healed, she still has blood all over her leg and clothes.

"So, Peter," Stiles leans forward in the backseat of the black Camaro, "you still haven't answered my question as to why you were in the woods."

"You might as well answer him. He's never going to stop asking," Y/N mumbles from her spot in the driver's seat.

"I was, um, I was out for a, uh, run," Peter answers Stiles, looking at him from the passenger seat.

"Mhm, sure," Stiles looks at him disbelievingly, "How do you two know each other? This doesn't seem like the first time you've met."

"He was a patient of mine the other day," Y/N replies.

"Why were you at the hospital? Don't you have super healing?"

"Me? No..." Peter looks away from Stiles.

"Are you sure? Spiderm–"

"What are you exactly?" Peter interrupts, "If she's a werewolf, what are you?"

"Abominable snowman. It's more of a wintertime thing, you know, seasonal." Stiles replies.

"Seriously!" Peter looks at him with a shocked look.

"Don't listen to him. He's lying to you." Y/N mumbles, turning down the street toward her apartment.

"What are you really then?"

"For a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil." Stiles answers.

"What are you now?" Peter watches him skeptically.

"Better," Stiles mumbles out, looking at Y/N with a look of disbelief and ridicule.

"He's 100% human," Y/N informs Peter.

"What about the vet who just saved your life? What is he?" Peters asks.

"He's an Emissary. He's like a pack advisor." Y/N pulls into the parking garage of her building.

"What about the other guy? The good-looking one."

"Hey!" Stiles lightly hits Peter's arm, "First my sister, and now my best friend?"

"Why?" Y/N asks, parking the car in Derek's designated spot.

"Why what?" Stiles looks at her with a confused look on his face.

"Why did I have to be dropped off at your door? Why couldn't I have been given to another family?" She's internally cursing whoever made Stiles her brother.

"Like you'd ever want a different brother!" Stiles exclaims.

"Keep telling yourself that," Y/N mumbles, stepping out of the Camaro before moving her seat forward to let Stiles out of the backseat.

She locks the car as they walk to the elevator in silence. The elevator creaks as they step inside it. It jerks awake as it takes them to the top floor.

As they step off the elevator, Peter notices there is only one apartment on the top floor, "Are you the only person on this floor?"

"Yeah, my boyfriend kinda owns the building," Y/N replies, opening the apartment door.

They step into the large apartment to see Lydia sitting alone on the large, gray couch as Derek paces back and forth behind her. His head whips towards the door as Y/N, Peter, and Stiles walk in.

"Where the hell have you been?" Derek exclaims, running over to Y/N after seeing the blood on her, "What happened?"

"I went out for a run to clear my head and hunters decided to shoot at us." Y/N explains, "Why aren't you at work? I thought you didn't get off until later?"

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now