Chapter 21

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"How can you tell where she is just by a carving in the wall?" Sam questions Derek.

"I know who carved it. I've also been there before." Derek replies.

Nat notices the time at the top of Stiles' phone, "It's two o'clock now. We have an hour until we need to meet them. It's obviously a trap and they're hoping we take the bait."

The sheriff inhales a shaky breath before sitting down in the empty chair Natasha once occupied. He knows his kids deal with monsters every day, but they've never had to deal with this. Hell, Beacon Hills has never had to deal with a situation like this. People are found brutally murdered or used for sacrifices, but they aren't taken by massive terrorist organizations. He always thought his kids were safe because they know how to take care of themselves, but even he doesn't know how to deal with this problem.

"It's definitely a trap but we still have to go. We just need to outsmart them." Scott states, handing Stiles his phone back. He's trying to think of what they could do to get out safe and with Y/N, but he can't seem to think of anything.

"They're already there waiting on us so we can't get there early, and we shouldn't run the risk of going late in case they do something to Y/N as punishment." Lydia doesn't know what they could do to avoid running into a trap. She's also very confused about what her abilities are telling her about Y/N. They were screaming at her that Y/N would be dead soon or that she already was, but now she can't feel anything. Considering she's a banshee that should be a good thing but she's not sure if it is.

"The place will probably be lined with mountain ash," Kira states. "They might use it to keep us out or to keep us in."

"But it doesn't work on Y/N. She can just walk past it." Scott tells her.

"What's mountain ash?" Sam asks.

"It's ash that can be used as a barrier against the supernatural. Well, some supernatural. If you were to create a circle of mountain ash, they wouldn't be able to cross it as long as it's connected." Lydia informs him.

They all spread out again in the living room as they hear a jet land in the backyard letting them know that Steve and Bucky are back from the Hydra base. Tony watches as Steve and Bucky quickly exit the quinjet before jogging towards the house. He can tell by the looks on their faces that they didn't find anything.

Steve holds the backdoor open for Bucky to walk through before walking into the house himself. He notices that everyone is quietly staring at them, "What happened?"

Stiles tosses his open phone toward Steve who quickly catches it. He looks down at the phone to see the photo of Y/N tied to a chair in a warehouse with scared tears falling down her face. His heart hurts looking at the photo. This was the girl he was supposed to protect, and he failed her. He then notices the other messages below the photo.

Bucky looks down at the phone and a look of anger washes over his face as he sees the photo. He's had so many emotions going through him in the last twenty-four hours but right now all he feels is anger. Anger at Hydra, anger at himself, and anger at the fact that they still haven't gotten her back yet.

Steve tosses the phone back towards Stiles who clumsily catches it, "What's our plan?"

"We're making one right now," Nat informs him.

"Who's he?" Bucky asks, pointing to the sheriff sitting in the gray chair whose eyes haven't looked up from the stack of files on the coffee table.

"That's Noah Stilinski...Y/N's father," Tony mutters quietly.

Steve and Bucky share a look of understanding with Tony. This whole thing has been hard on all of them, but it's been especially hard on Tony. Not only did he find out his daughter is still alive, but she has no idea who they are, and she has a completely different family.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now