Chapter 4

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Peter feels like he can't breathe.

His head feels like it's spinning.

So many feelings are going through his body and he doesn't understand why. Just because she shares the same name as his sister, doesn't mean that she could be the girl who is presumed dead. A lot of people have the name Y/N. His sister wasn't the only one. He's pretty sure there have been people who love Iron Man so much they've named their children Y/N.

There's just something about her that confuses his spidey senses. They are usually always a little on edge around people he doesn't know, but with her, they feel safe. They almost want to protect her even though there is nothing to protect her from. It also feels like they don't need to try and sense any danger because if she's around, then he will never be in danger. It feels like they know she's family.

He looks over to his dad and uncle to see if they are having the same reaction as him, only to be met with his dad filling out his admission form with sad eyes and his uncle Steve playing Candy Crush on his phone. How is he the only one freaking out? Is he making something out of nothing?

He has to just be making things up in his head. Y/N is dead. He's known that for years. They buried her body. Some of the smartest people in the world identified her. There is no way they made a mistake. This is just his mind trying to grasp at straws. Y/N is dead.

"Okay, I'm going to clean up your wounds," Y/N states as she looks at the papers Tony just handed her, "then I will give you something for the pain, remove the splinters, clean you up again, and send you on your way home. I will be right back."

Peter watches as she wraps the towels back around his leg before exiting the room.

"She seems a bit young to be working here," Tony comments.

"At least she seems to know what she's doing," Steve adds.

"How are you feeling, kid?"

Peter blinks out of his daze before answering his dad, "I'm fine. I'm mostly just wishing I didn't walk on the deck."

"We're just lucky it didn't cause too much damage. It could have been a lot worse," Steve sighs, rubbing a hand down his face, "Even if you weren't the one to fall through, it would've been somebody else."

Y/N walks back through the door pushing a tray of everything she'll need to help Peter.

"Okay, first I'm going to clean up your wounds," she states as she grabs her saline solution and gauze sponges, "then we will numb the affected areas so that you can't feel me removing the splinters. Does that sound good?"

Peter gives her a smile through the pain, "Sounds good."

She slowly starts to clean his wounds, "Now, like I stated before, this is not how we usually do things, but since you're different from most patients and I'm used to weird things, I decided this was the best course of action for your wounds."

"I'm sorry, but I have to ask. How old are you?" Tony interjects with a curious look on his face.

Y/N chuckles at his question, "I'm nineteen. I graduated high school early at sixteen and I have an associate's degree in nursing. I should get my bachelor's in December if everything goes according to plan."

"That's impressive," Steve praises, "What made you decide to become a nurse?"

"Well, one, I have an extremely injury-prone brother," Y/N replies while she finishes cleaning Peter's leg, "Two, I have extremely injury-prone friends. And lastly, a woman, who's been like a mother to me for most of my life, is also a nurse. She inspired me."

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