Chapter 35

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"Can you tell me something about her?" Peter asks.

"What?" Stiles shakes out of his thoughts and turns to look at Peter. They have been slowly walking around the perimeter of the fighting waiting for someone to call for them.

"Can you tell me something about Y/N?"

"Like what?"

"Like what was it like growing up with her?"

Stiles thinks for a second, "Other than when our mom died, it was pretty good."

Peter watches Stiles fiddle with the straps of the bulletproof vest he's wearing. Stiles told them about their mom dying earlier but he hasn't thought about it too much. Now thinking about it, not only did Y/N have one mom who died early on in her life, but she also had another mom who gave her to Hydra to be experimented on. He can't even begin to comprehend how much that has messed with her.

Peter has so many questions that he wants to ask Y/N after all of this is over. He's not sure if she'll even be up for them or even want to answer them. The only things he knows about her are things other people have told him. Even then, how much has he not been told? How much will he never know?

They continue to walk in silence until Argent's voice rings out from their walkie-talkies, "Stiles, we need you!"

"Shit," Stiles mutters under his breath as they take off toward Chris and the others. Stiles tries to keep up with Peter while also trying not to trip on his own feet. He doesn't have the speed that Peter has.

By the time they reach Chris, Derek, and other Peter, the Anuk-Ite is already gone. Derek and Chris seem to be okay but the Anuk-ite got Peter.

"What happened?!" Stiles asks out of breath.

"What do you think?" Derek huffs.

"Where did it go?"

"Our eyes were closed. How would we know where it went?" Chris responds, rolling his eyes and pulling a knife out of a fallen hunter.

"Well, we need to trap it soon or else he and the others are going to stay like this forever."

"What others?" Derek questions.

"Malia and Bucky are also statues."

Derek curses under his breath.

"Maybe instead of waiting for it to come to us, we should make it come to us," Chris states.

"How?" Peter asks.

Chris thinks for a second, "It feeds on fear, so let's give it some fear."

"Again, how?"

"I don't know. We'll have to figure somethi–"

Chris gets cut off by the sound of Scott's voice coming out through the walkie-talkies, "Guys, we need help!"

"What's going on?" Stiles responds.

"We're outnumbered and they've got a kanima now!"

"What's a kanima?" Peter asks.

"A lizard that can paralyze you," Stiles mutters, trying to decide in his head if it's a good idea to go help them or if he and Peter need to focus on the Anuk-Ite.

"We'll go help them. You two go after the Anuk-Ite and take it down now. You don't have much time." Chris states. He turns to nod at Derek before they run off in the direction Scott is in.


"Figure it out!"

"That's so helpful! Thanks!" Stiles rolls his eyes before looking back at Peter. "We need a plan."

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now