Chapter 18

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"I'm sorry, what?" Stiles looks between Derek and Peter in confusion and disbelief.

"How could you not know? How could you not say something?" Derek doesn't understand any of this. Somehow Peter and his mom were the ones to rescue Y/N from Hydra's facility and Peter didn't know? He never thought to mention anything about what happened?

Peter shoves Derek back so he can finally breathe without an arm against his neck, "Some pack up north told Talia about a young wolf being held and experimented on. They wanted advice on what to do and she volunteered the pack to help get them out. We had no information about who we were getting or who we were going up against. We thought they were hunters."

"Are you telling me that you and a bunch of other werewolves went up against a massive terrorist group thinking they were just some measly hunters and you're still alive?" Stiles can't seem to understand how any of this makes sense.

"Werewolves weren't the only ones who were there," Peter smirks at Stiles.

"Wait. Can we please slow down? Who's Talia?" Sam asks. He's trying to keep up with what's going on, but he doesn't understand everything they're saying.

"Talia was my sister. She was also Derek's mother."

"Was?" Steve questions.

"The majority of our family was killed when hunters decided to burn down our house. She was one of them." Derek replies. While his eyes show a tinge of sadness and regret, the rest of his angry and tough demeanor doesn't falter.

"Okay, so you," Sam points at Peter, "and her helped another group of werewolves get Y/N?"

"It wasn't just us. The entire pack helped." Peter responds, leaning back against the wall behind him. "Some beta overheard some drunk guys at a bar talking about some wolf they were experimenting on. He told his alpha who told Talia who volunteered us to help. She apparently knew some witch that could put a block on the wolf's memory to make them forget whatever happened to them."

"How'd she end up at my house then? Why was she just dropped off at the door?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know. We went in, got the girl, Talia took her to some witch while I came back to Beacon Hills and I never knew what happened after that. I don't even know how she ended up back in Beacon Hills. I'm assuming Talia brought her back and dropped her off at the sheriff's house." Peter shrugs his shoulders.

"You weren't a little bit curious?" Scott's voice was laced with skepticism.

"Not really, no."

"So, your own sister tells you that you need to help rescue a kid from some "hunters"," Sam makes air quotes with his fingers at the word hunters, "who reside in a heavily guarded facility and that she has some witch ready to block some memories and you don't ask any questions? Like, what's the kid's name? Who's the witch? Where did the girl go? And she also just didn't tell you anything?"

"She didn't tell me I had a daughter either." Peter angrily states, glaring at Sam. "She never told me anything and I never asked. The next time I saw Y/N was when she was a teenager and out in the middle of the woods with dumb and dumber. I didn't recognize her scent because the first time we met she reeked of fear and pain. It wasn't until we started looking at her files did I realize that we had met before. I'm telling the truth."

"It's kind of hard to believe a word that comes out of your mouth." Lydia states. She almost looks like the female version of Derek right now with a harsh look on her face and her arms angrily crossed across her chest.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Steve asks. If this guy knew he was one of the ones that took Y/N from Hydra, why did he never say anything? Did he ever plan on telling them?

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now