Chapter 28

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"Get down!" Scott yells, using his body to shield Kira's body from another incoming shot. An arrow grazes past Stiles and digs deep into the wooden door frame next to him.

The shot seems to shake Y/N out of her haze, and she realizes what is happening, "Someone go take down whoever the fuck is shooting at us!" She rips Derek's shirt in half to fully assess the arrow sticking out of his stomach and the wound it has caused. He's bleeding but the arrow seems to be preventing him from bleeding out. What she's most concerned about is the fact that his blood is a deep black color, and the poison is too close to his heart.

Steve and Bucky take off into the forest to search for whoever was shooting at them. They don't understand why someone would be shooting at them. They just took down several members of Hydra. Who's left? In the little time Y/N has been back and even sometime before, they completely forgot about the Deadpool. They were too busy focusing on getting her back that they forgot all about it.

"Scott, give me your shirt!" Y/N demands.

Scott quickly pulls his shirt over his head and hands it to Y/N, "I hope you know that's my favorite shirt."

"I'll buy you a new one," Y/N mumbles, using the shirt to try to stop some of the bleeding. She's trying to remember everything she learned in school and training, but nothing has prepared her for this. She's been shot with an arrow before and recently she was stabbed with an arrow, but this has never happened before. The arrow but be soaked in poison for it to affect him this much and this quickly. She slowly turns his body to see if there is an exit wound to find there isn't one. "We need to get him into a car as gently as possible and get him to the animal clinic now. There's no exit wound which means if we move him too much it could cause more damage."

"I can lay down the back seats of my car so we can lay him down in the back," Tony states, rushing over to his large SUV.

"I bet if we find a piece large enough, we could use a piece of wood as like a backboard." Stiles looks around at some of the burnt house around him for something they could use for Derek.

Thor grabs ahold of some of the broken floor and rips it out. "Here," he holds the large piece of wood out to Stiles.

Stiles blinks a few times in shock before taking it, "Thanks." He rushes over to Y/N and Derek and sets the broken piece of wood next to them. "What do we do now?"

"Scott, call Deaton and tell him what's going on and that we're on our way. Next, call your mom and tell her what happened and tell her to bring as many supplies as possible. I need four people to help roll him onto the board and then carry him to the car." Y/N hurriedly calls out orders. She moves a little to the side as Bruce, Sam, Stiles, and Peter come to help her. She makes sure to maintain her pressure on the wound as they gently roll him onto the makeshift backboard.

"Lift on three," Sam nods at the others, "One, two, three."

They gently lift Derek up and slowly start to move to the awaiting SUV. They make sure not to make any sudden movements, so they don't damage Derek any further. They notice Steve and Bucky running towards them to help get Derek inside the back of the car.

"Follow me! We'll lead the way!" Stiles yells out as he rushes to his jeep after they slide Derek in.

Peter climbs in the back and crouches down next to Y/N, Steve, and Bucky. They feel the car lurch forward as Tony starts to drive off after Bruce gets into the passenger seat. "Did you get whoever shot him?" Peter asks Steve and Bucky.

"They must have run off before we could to them because we couldn't find them, but we found where they were and this," Steve holds up a piece of paper with part of the Deadpool on it for the others to see.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now