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One Year Later

Y/N hums to the song playing in her car as she drives up to the newly renovated Hale house—technically it's Derek's and her house, but she likes just calling the Hale house. Derek planned on renovating the house himself with a few of the other pack members, but he ended up renovating with pack members and the Avengers.

Tony wanted to use his money to pay a team to renovate the house as quickly as possible, but Derek wanted to be a part of the renovation considering it was his house. He also didn't feel comfortable with Tony paying for everything. They ended up compromising by letting Tony pay for half, but they had to renovate it themselves.

Derek was surprised the first day Tony showed up with a few more Avengers in tow. He couldn't say he was very pleased seeing them either. He was hoping to renovate the house in peace with the occasional forced conversation between himself and Tony or ordering the pack to do a few things. He was even more surprised when he didn't hate them being there. It was a pretty good way to get to know Y/N's other family.

It was also a good way for Y/N to get to know her Avengers family. Although Tony built another Avenger's headquarters just outside of Beacon Hills to be closer to her, she still had a job she had to go to and they weren't her only family. Tony offered her jobs with the Avengers multiple times, but she turned them down every time. He even offered her a position to be a part of the Avengers, but she wanted to work on controlling her powers before she potentially used them to save people from aliens or whatever else they fight.

Three times a week Y/N would drive up to the house to help—well, her version of helping. She let Derek and Tony handle all electrical and plumbing details while she sat to the side and talked about her day or gossiped about people from work. She also helped Steve, Bucky, and Sam make a few furniture pieces by watching them do all the hard work and then adding any details she wanted on them, such as paint or accessories.

Pack members would also come by to help tear things down or build things up. None of them knew what they were doing, but Derek would teach them, and everything turned out okay. Stiles was like Y/N and didn't do much to help but he would be there. He and Peter grew closer as Y/N's brothers and found out they have a lot in common. It took them a few weeks, but they eventually stopped being passive-aggressive to each other and became friends—but they still bicker like an old married couple.

Once rooms were built, she, Lydia, Kira, Wanda, and Nat would paint the rooms and go out and buy things for them. They've definitely come back from a shopping trip or two with too many things, but Derek can't complain when he sees how happy Y/N is.

He also can't complain when his business is thriving, so money is not an issue. It wasn't an issue before—thanks to the money he inherited from his family—but now he doesn't think it will ever be an issue. Since he's dating 'the Y/N Stark,' people like to drive out of their way just to bring their cars to Hale Garage in hopes of possibly meeting him or getting a glimpse of Y/N.

He also started restoring old cars and motorcycles and selling them. It started with a few motorcycles someone abandoned in front of the garage and now he's selling vintage cars in big shows all over the state.

He has also somehow gotten a little fandom of his own. He has no idea how because he doesn't have any social media, nor does he willingly put himself in the public eye. He can always tell if someone specifically requests for him at the garage if they're doing it because of his relationship with Y/N or if it's just because of him.

If it's because of him, there is typically a nervous client, possible flirting, giddy giggles, and conversations with their friends when they think he can't hear them. Someone even asked him out once, but he shot that down very quickly. That client won't be coming back anytime soon—especially since Malia overheard the whole thing and started laughing so hard she almost fell out of her chair.

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