Chapter 3

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Sitting on a chair with food on the table, Celine gave all her attention to the food in front of her. Her face was untroubled as if her being in the center of the spotlight didn't happen earlier but deep inside her, mentally she's screaming in embarrassment and wished for the ground to completely swallow her right this instance.

"Wait 'till Rickon hears about this."

Celine grumbled and gave her older brother a glare for he never let a second pass by without teasing her for what happened a moment ago.

"Shut up, Ben." Celine mumbled, only receiving a chuckle from him.

"I assume you overslept again." Bennard replied, emphasizing the last word.

"If you don't shut up, I will..." Celine was interrupted and Bennard's laughter seized when someone sat beside Celine.

The Stark siblings turned their heads and a scowl immediately plastered on their faces, seeing who it was. Not bothering to mask or hide their distaste to the said person.

"Good evening, Lady Stark." Jason Lannister greeted.

Celine forced a smile as she slowly reached out for her dagger strapping on her thighs, Bennard noticed this and slowly placed his hand on her arm, stopping her as he knows very well that one wrong word from his filthy mouth will result in bloodshed.

"Good evening, Lord Jason. Enjoying the banquet?" Celine asked.

"Of course, I get to eat foods only I can taste here in Red Keep." He replied.

"Yes, indeed their foods are all delicious. Thanks to their cooks we get to eat such delicacies." Celine stated while Bennard listened and ate his food, not really wanting to talk to that pillock.

"You look ravishing by the way, Lady Stark." He said, Celine sent him a grateful smile for the compliment.

"Thank you, Lord Jason. You look..." Celine paused and let her eyes scan him, "Decent." She continued.

"I, wonder, Lady Stark. Was your own name day as grand as this?" He asked and moved closer in which Celine moved back, pressing her body to her older brother who placed a protective hand on her waist, acting like a barrier for him to not cross it.

"I honestly don't recall. For I already told both my brothers that they don't need to, we don't need to celebrate such occasions. And I believe neither prince Joffrey will remember." Celine answered.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced." He said and snapped his fingers.

Celine was about to say something when a servant approached them, gave him a goblet and poured wine.

"Lord Tyland, your twin, serves on His Grace's council." Celine stated.

"Tyland is..." He paused and exhaled a sigh, "Frightfully dull, Gods love him. The finest honeyed wine you'll ever taste. Maiden Lannisport, of course." He added, boastfully, and gave the goblet to Celine.

"Of course." Celine replied, accepting the wine and took a sip. Celine visibly flinched at the taste, not really the type of wine she drinks and would rather drink ale. She sets it down on the table for if she holds it longer, she might throw it to his face.

"Hosting a tournament here in the Red Keep is entertaining, but the best sport is to be found at Castley Rock near my home. Have you been?" He asked.

"Once on tour with my father, Cregan, and my brothers, Rickon and Bennard, when I was young, if I remember correctly. And honestly, I can't recall much of that either." Celine answered, already bored and wanted to get the hell out of the banquet and take off the god forbidden dress.

"The Rock is thrice the height of the Hightower in Old town, taller still than the Wall in the north. It's been said that if one were to stand in the tower... on a perfect day, one could see clear across the Sunset Sea." He muttered, Celine nodded, not really listening to what he's babbling about.

"It must be quite something." Celine commented.

"Although it's not that cold in my home, we can visit Winterfell anytime you want." He stated.

Celine furrowed her eyebrows, confused at what she's hearing, "Why would I visit Winterfell when that is where I stay and my home?" Celine asked, voicing out her confusion.

"You can visit them every time you miss them, of course. I'd do anything for my..." He paused and openly gawked at Celine's body, his eyes slowly clouded in lust as his stare lingered on her breast, "Lady wife." He added.

Bennard stilled and glared at the man with so much anger, he was about to stand up when Celine placed a hand on his lap. Gone was her smile as her face was now void of any emotion.

"Admit it, Lady Stark. You loved the idea, didn't you?" He asked, smiling at her.

Celine then smirked, "Believe me, Lord Jason. If you had a sister and a hound..." She paused, raising her eyebrow, "No doubt, I'd choose the hound without a second thought." Celine added.

Daemon, who was nearby and heard the conversation, laughed at the failed attempt of the man seducing the young lady and was impressed at her fearless way of saying what's in her mind and standing up for herself.

The prince then diverts his gaze towards Jason Lannister, only laughing again seeing his jaw dropped and how he can't utter a single word, not even a sound coming out from his mouth.

His wife, Rhaenyra, furrowed her eyebrows as she saw her husband laughing, she approached him and asked, "What's funny, husband?"

"I just heard something very funny, love." Daemon answered, his eyes then found the fierce lady locating her at the center where she is happily dancing with her older brother.

Bennard has this proud smile on his face and it never falters from the moment Celine savagely shut down the attempted seduction of Jason Lannister, leaving him speechless.

To say he was proud of what her sister did wasn't enough, he was beyond proud at what she did. Not letting the others take advantage of her just because she's a woman, but instead she used it to her own advances.

Adding tonight's event to the many stories he'll tell his older brother when they get home. And Bennard was excited by that idea, missing the cold feeling of his home.

Celine noticed this and dragged his brother towards the side, her eyes never leaving her older brother. A smile escaped her lips as she thought of a game they both usually play, which she introduced to him years ago.

"Smash or pass?" Celine asked, sporting a mischievous smile on her lips.

Bennard huffed, grateful at how she's very attentive and doing her best to make him smile.

"Prince Aemond." Bennard said, looking at the one-eyed prince.

Celine hummed and averted her eyes to him, "Will this make me a whore if I say smash?" She asked and whispered her answer, "Smash." Bennard scoffed and chuckled.

"Princess Helaena." Celine countered.

"Double smash." Bennard stated.

Celine chuckled and nodded her head.

"Lucerys Velaryon."

"Cute, smash."

"Jacaerys Velaryon."

"I mean... Smash."

"Prince Aegon."

"Not so cute, pass."

"Prince Daemon."

"Gods, this makes me question everything about myself. Smash."

"Princess Rhaenyra."

"Amazing. Smash."

"Queen Alicent."

"Tragic. Pass."

The two were interrupted when someone approached Celine. Another honorable house proposed his hand for marriage and asked for a dance. Celine smiled and looked at his brother who nodded his head, turning towards him, she exhaled a sigh and nodded her head. They both walked towards the center where everyone was dancing. This is going to be a long night – she thought.

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