Chapter 10

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Celine together with Luke and Jace, the name they insisted she call them, went to dragonpit. She was mesmerized by the structure, it was a huge domed castle consisting of massive doors, mainly bronze with some iron. Within the structure, long brick-lined tunnels have been dug deep into the hillside, fashioned like caves.

"Wow." Celine commented, Luke and Jace smiled at her as they saw her eyes sparkled with amusement. Although she was older to them, they both swore to their mother to protect her from any harm and teach her everything they could, including about the dragons.

"This is where they house our dragons." Jace stated, earning the attention of Celine.

"House? But I saw Cannibal outside when I met him." Celine said, furrowing her eyebrows.

Celine was startled even jumped a little at the voice behind them, she knew she never turned her head faster than that. Luke chuckled while Jace smirked, finding her reaction rather entertaining.

"What?" Celine asked, voicing out her confusion as she didn't understand what the man said.

"Cannibal is a wild dragon with no previous riders and you're the only one who tamed him." Jace answered, translating what the dragonkeeper said.

"I never tamed him, we just met and formed a bond. I believe so." Celine replied, shrugging her shoulders.

Luke ordered the dragonkeepers for him and Jace's dragon to be brought where they are with the intention of wanting Celine to meet them. The dragonkeepers were hesitant at first until Jace looked at them.

"We want you to meet our dragons." Jace stated, Celine smiled seeing how happy he was which made her nod her head.

Her breath hitched as she heard some growls and hisses not from one but two dragons. Looking up she saw a pearlescent white dragon with red spines running up its back. It was smaller compared to the other one, but the dragon was overall, beautiful.

"He's name is Arrax." Luke introduced to Celine and approached the dragon who made a soft growl seeing his rider.

Luke leaned his forehead, seconds after, he reached for his hand out to Celine. She was hesitant, never forgetting what she felt during her first encounter with their kind, Luke made sure that Arrax will never hurt her and she slowly approached the dragon who just stared at her. Releasing the breath she was holding as soon as her hands touched the rough scales, Celine smiled and ran her hands.

"He looks so beautiful." Celine mumbled, earning a soft growl from the dragon.

Luke chuckled, "I think he likes you." He muttered.

Celine smiled, "That would be an honor for the feelings are mutual." She replied and caressed the dragon.

Jace then called her and Celine's eyes once more lit up with excitement as she saw the dragon standing beside his rider. Looking like a brindled wyvern, his primary color was green but his belly seems to be pearly white and his protrusions are bloody red in hue with bright yellow eyes. Halting her steps as the dragon gave her a threatening growl.

"Quite temper, I see." Celine mumbled and reached out her hands, "Calm down, gorgeous. I won't hurt you." She mumbled, softly and slowly approached the dragon.

Celine chuckled when the dragon initiated to approach her first which she welcomed with a wide smile and made Luke, Jace, and even the dragonkeepers widen their eyes as Vermax was known not to be trifled with and is far more temperamental. Lightly caressing Vermax, Arrax approached the two and gently bumped his head to Celine's side which he successfully caught her attention.

They were in awe as they witnessed Celine with two dragons who seem to grow fond of her despite meeting her not even a minute longer. As if she knew what they feel and what they want. Celine laughed as she stumbled down, landing on her ass and the two dragons settled beside her, laid down and placed their heads on her small lap.

"A dragon whisperer." A dragonkeeper mumbled which Luke and Jace heard, turning their heads to him.

Another chuckle escaped her lips when both dragons made a purring noise similar to a cat, it was then interrupted when a roar was heard from outside the dragonpit, alerting the two dragons who lifted their heads and growled.

"Cannibal." The dragonkeeper stated, which brought a smile to Celine's lips.

Celine stood up, patting both dragons one last time and bid her goodbyes to them, waving towards Luke and Jace who chuckled, she left them and met him outside.

"Hey, handsome. I missed you too." Celine mumbled as Cannibal lowered his head, letting her touch or tap him in a sweet, affectionate way, "Oh, someone is jealous." She teased, earning a growl from him.

He then moved his wings to let her climb on his back, Celine smiled and was about to climb when she looked over her shoulder and caught sight of Luke and Jace.

"Come, let's fly. I'm sure you both want to." She said, "Those two wanted to fly too..." Celine added, averting her eyes towards the two dragons.

Luke and Jace immediately mounted their dragons as Celine climbed and settled on Cannibal's back.

"Please, don't fly towards the flames this time." Celine mumbled, caressing Cannibal, only receiving a growl from the dragon.

Cannibal expanded his wings and took off, Celine once again felt free as soon as she felt the wind, Luke and Jace flew beside them, giving each one a smile. The three of them bonded, had their little race, and flew around the Red Keep.

Landing back at the dragonpit. Celine laughed as both dragons approached her, bumping her side earning a growl from Cannibal, her mutter of amusement blossomed into an enormous belly laugh. The dragonkeepers then ordered both dragons to go back inside whereas Cannibal lowered his head. Celine smiled and patted his head as if in the form of him saying his goodbye then flew away.

"Be careful." Celine whispered as her eyes never leaving the dragon.

"Did you enjoy your ride?"

The three of them turned around seeing the one-eyed prince standing there, Aemond ignored his nephews and only looked at Celine.

"Prince." Celine greeted and bowed her head.

A hand gently gripped her chin, facing her towards the prince who sported a smirk.

"Did you, my lady?" He asked once more, Celine noticed how he stared at her lips.

"I did, Your Grace." Celine replied.

Aemond hummed and took a step closer to her, "Perhaps next time, you can join me. Vhagar is large enough to saddle two." He stated.

Celine forced a smile, "Thank you for the offer, Prince Aemond. But I am quite content riding my own dragon. Perhaps other ladies would accept your invitation." She replied.

"But I want you, Lady Stark. Or should I call you, Daena, my niece." He said, caressing his thumb to her chin, gone was the smile on her lips as she bravely looked him in the eye in which Aemond smirked finding her very attractive.

"My name is Celine Stark. You best remember it, Your Grace, I do have quite a temper when someone mistook me for someone else." She muttered, raising her eyebrows, and took a step back.

"Lady Celine."

They were interrupted when someone called her, it was Daemon, who was glaring at Aemond.

"Rhaenyra would like to see you... now." He said still eyeing Aemond who never left his gaze from Celine.

"Very well." Celine said and left without giving a glance towards Aemond. Jace and Luke followed after her.

Daemon stayed and stared at Aemond, who averted his eyes towards his uncle. Aemond hummed and quickly left towards Vhagar.

"It's best to keep your distance from him." Daemon said, Celine turned towards him.

"I don't intend to even inhale the very same air he's breathing." Celine answered, Daemon laughed as they went inside the carriage back to the castle.

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