Chapter 22

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Continuing her journey with two wild dragons flying with them, Celine ordered Cannibal for them to land on Dragonmont, the three dragons flew with Cannibal back to his lair as Celine ordered for them to wait there. She heaved a sigh, escaping death twice and now walking to her death for the third time. She calms herself and stealthily goes into the cave where Silverwing resides.

As soon as Silverwing sensed a presence entering her lair, she lifted her head up and saw a platinum-haired woman. Silverwing stared at Celine as she slowly placed the torch down.

"Okay, let's do this one more time." Celine mumbled to herself and looked at Silverwing in her eyes, Celine was speechless as she basked at how beautiful Silverwing was, "God, I would never get tired of getting mesmerized by your kind. Look how beautiful you are." She stated and unconsciously approached Silverwing.

Silverwing has a silvery almost metallic color with stunning blue eyes and almost the same size as the brown wild dragon.

"You're so majestic. Beautiful." Celine whispered and placed a hand on her head, she was still in awe and was unaware that she already approached Silverwing, she gently caressed her head while repeatedly mumbling how beautiful she was.

Celine went back to reality when Silverwing growled, she gasped and immediately stepped back, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to evade your space nor offend you, I was just mesmerized at how stunning you are." Celine continued mumbling and stopped when Silverwing approached her and softly bumped her head to Celine.

She chuckled and smiled as she continued caressing Silverwing, "You're much friendlier and more docile compared to others. Did you know that when I first met Cannibal, he intimidated me by almost burning me alive and flying towards the flames, I thought I wouldn't survive but thankfully I did, obviously, as I am standing here and talking with you." She stated and sighed, "But I love that dragon, he was there when I was at my worst and supported me." She added and looked at Silverwing who was looking at her as if listening to what she was saying.

She stepped back as Silverwing lifted her head, "Now, I am here to ask for your help. Just like what I said to the other two, I came here to offer my friendship and protection that no harm shall befall upon you in return you'll help me give back what was rightfully ours." She said, looking at Silverwing in her eyes, "I only wish to ask you this favor one time and after this, I won't ever bother you again. I humbly ask you to help me, help us with this." She added.

Silverwing stared at her, Celine patiently waited for her answer, "I would respectfully accept your decision. I'm not here to force you." Celine stated.

After many minutes of just staring at each other, Silverwing bowed her head and let Celine touch her head, Celine smiled and leaned her forehead to Silverwing, "Thank you, I will forever be grateful for your help." Celine muttered and closed her eyes.

Silverwing growled softly, Celine stayed for a few minutes and bid her goodbye for she had one last dragon to visit, the mount of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and who everybody called the Bronze Fury.

Stepping into his lair, Celine heaved for the nth time as she walked into her death for the fourth time, she tapped her own shoulder, giving herself some strength she greatly needed at the moment. Celine started to hum a song Daemon taught her, slowly inching closer to Vermithor.

*Drakari pykiros
Tīkummo jemiros
Yn lantyz bartossa
Saelot vāedis

Hen ñuhā elēnī:
Perzyssy vestretis
Se gēlȳn irūdaks

Perzyro udrȳssi
Ezīmptos laehossi
Hārossa letagon
Aōt vāedan

Hae mērot gierūli:
Se hāros bartossi
Prūmȳsa sōvīli
Gevī dāerī

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