Chapter 23

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Series of curses spurted out of Celine's mouth when she woke up and noticed it was already midday. Mentally scolding herself that she ought to be back by morning, she quickly dusted her torn dress. Cannibal and the other two dragons grumbled by the sudden action Celine did.

"Oh, loves. I will come back later. Right now, I have something to do and I do hope I'm not too late." Celine mumbled, quickly patting each dragon.

A squeal escaped her lips when she stumbled and fell face first, Celine quickly stood up and gave the three dragons each glare when she heard them hissed at her.

"Oh, shut up." Celine muttered, rolled her eyes and ran towards where Celine knew everyone was gathered.

She ran her hand through her hair, tidying it and attempted to fix but to no avail, upon reaching the room. Celine stopped and calmed her rapid breath. She lifted her hand when Ser Erryk noticed her entering the room and was about to announce her. She shook her head signaling that there was no need for that formality.

"Send us."


Celine quickly replied, earning everyone's attention, Rhaenyra's eyes widened, Jace and Luke stared at her and their eyes immediately clouded with worry seeing her. Cursing inside her mind, Celine cleared her throat and slowly descended the stairs, exhaling a breath as she bowed her head, a curtsy she gave to Rhaenyra.

"Your Grace." Celine greeted Rhaenyra, "Although, Prince Jacaerys is right, Lord Barros Baratheon is an eternally proud man. He has four daughters, the four of them still unmarried. If one of the Princes will go to Storm's End, he will ask for a trade, his aid in return the Princes will wed one of his daughters." Celine added.

"How can you be so sure?" Rhaenyra asked.

"Princess Daena is right, Your Grace." Rhaenys replied, "Knowing him, he wants power and for his line to ascend the throne." She added.

"We already have Winterfell and House Tully to add to our army, Your Grace. And..." Celine paused and swallowed, "I also asked the help of the two wild dragons, Silverwing, and Vermithor." She continued, "We can do what Lord Corlys suggested and make the greens surrender."

"By using the dragons?" Rhaenyra asked, "You know when the dragons go to war, everything burns." She added.

"By intimidation, Your Grace. Having dragons aiding us is already a force to be reckoned with. If we can corner the greens..."

"And if they don't?" Rhaenyra asked, raising her eyebrow.

Celine's breath hitched, she knows that Rhaenyra will object with her plan.

"If we prolong this, Your Grace. More casualties will happen."

"I made a promise to my father to hold the realm strong and united."

"You can't hold the realm united if you don't show them who must be feared and who must hold the power. So, you don't mean to act, Your Grace, when they already wage war?" Celine was getting impatient and everyone, even Rhaenyra, could feel it.

"I wish to know who my allies are before I send them to war."

"We have dragons, mother." Celine answered and looked at Rhaenyra in her eyes.

Everyone was silent as the mother and daughter stared at each other. Daemon silently entered and quickly noticed the growing tension between the two.

"If we use the dragons to scare them, show them who has more power, the rightful one, the one who must sit the Iron Throne. I know this plan of mine won't guarantee everyone coming back alive and safe, but would you prefer that you lose someone first before taking action?"

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