Chapter 5

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"The first pairing is Ser Igor of House Lannister and Ser Brune of House Baratheon."

"The second pairing is Ser Howzer of House Westerling and Lady Celine of House Stark."

Bennard's breath hitched as he saw who her sister would fight. He was a huge man, a giant compared to Celine's size. His armor perfectly hugged his muscular body.

The first pair went to the bloodied platform and stood in front of each other. While his sister and Ser Howzer step aside to give the two all the space they needed for their fight.

Daemon never took his eyes away from the only woman who dared to join the tournament. He saw how she smiled and chuckled as if seeing Rhaenyra in her younger years. They have the same almost identical smile, even their nose and eyes if not for her grey ones. Even the way she raised her eyebrow, a habit Daemon notices Rhaenyra does. And can be passed as Rhaenyra's daughter if only she had the signature Targaryen's silver-gold or platinum hair and not the brown hair.

His curiosity only increases as she never fails to amaze him, showing him something new. The more Daemon stares at her, he can also see himself, staring at the mirror, at his own reflection. She was strong for a small woman, that he admits. And how she swiftly moves like a wolf, waiting for the right time to pounce. But at the same time, he can also see, clearly, a dragon, as her eyes lit up with desire to win and without hesitation rain hellfire to her opponents.

Unbeknownst to him, the young woman also caught the attention of his wife. Rhaenyra's eyes stare at Celine with interest, observing her, admiring her strong physique and even dared to join the tourney despite being a woman. Her heart swelled with pride, she doesn't know why, but it was also filled with worry, as soon as Celine took a step on that platform. Pleased to see her alright and thrilled to see her one of the remaining knights. Rhaenyra secretly rooting for her to be declared the champion as she saw Celine's dedication.

Celine also captured the interest of the young princes, specifically Aemond, Aegon, Lucerys, and Jacaerys.

Aemond smirked, impressed at her boldness and the way she fights. Meanwhile, Aegon was attracted to Celine, for he found her a beautiful woman who he'll happily bed with. For Jacaerys, he was impressed at her confidence. Confident enough to believe in herself and her abilities and even up for any challenges. Whereas Lucerys, looked at Celine with admiration, as if Celine is unreal having that beauty, and even felt himself blush, every time he saw her smile. Overall, the four princes wanted to have a chat with her, want to know her more, spar or train with her, and be close to her as Lady Celine from House Stark greatly piqued their interest.

Celine watched with such focus on the ongoing fight, she must admit that Ser Igor can be a force to be reckoned with, but nothing she can handle. As she was rooting for him to win, her hands started to itch at the thought of her fighting him. Celine purposely spared Ser Igor earlier, making her the final target she'll eliminate and the card to her victory.

Celine smiled, excited for the outcome of this tourney. Truth be told, as soon as they arrived at King's Landing. Celine paid a hefty amount of gold to a servant for him to tell her who will join the tourney. Reading the names, she remembered and observed each one of them from afar. From the time they wake up, train, eat, every information that she can use or useful to her, she did all of that without telling her brother.

The North remembers – Celine took it personally as her hunger for revenge for her fallen parents swallowed her. And to see a participant coming from the house that murdered them was a perfect opportunity to release that anger. Although, it won't satisfy her, for now this will somehow subdue her rage. She needs to hear them beg for mercy, cry their eyes out, hear them scream in pain, and feel their blood on her hands.

The thundering claps from the crowd brought her back to reality, snapping her eyes back to the front, Ser Igor mercilessly bashed his opponent with his axe. Slicing the face in half, hearing disgusted noises from the crowd, Celine didn't flinch nor look away, as Ser Igor continued to strike his dead opponent.

"Let's have our second pairing!"

Celine and Ser Howzer step inside the platform. Daemon was excited as he sat up straight, leaned forward, and placed a hand under his chin. Rhaenyra exhaled a breath, her hands and feet began to sweat as she saw Celine once again placed herself on the platform. Aemond and Aegon just like Daemon attentively stare at the pair. And Jacaerys and Lucerys bit their lower lip, a habit they both share whenever they're anxious over something. Even the King and Queen gave all their attention to the pair who's now fighting, particularly to Celine.

Bennard looked at her sister who smoothly moved around the area as though she was gracefully dancing, countering and giving some attacks to her opponent. Everyone was rooting for Ser Howzer, for obvious reasons – a dashing honorable knight with a well-built body, shouting his name, cheering for him, mostly women. Bennard rolled his eyes and snapped back at the fight when he saw how Ser Howzer kicked Celine's sword away from her. Celine received some blow from him, a kick from the side and a punch or two resulting a cut to her lips.

Unfazed by that, Celine spit the blood. She ran and slid between his legs, standing up quickly, kicking his leg from behind, Ser Howzer kneeled. Celine took this opportunity to twist both of his arms behind him, hearing a sickening crack as he screamed in pain. As her sword was nearby, she kicked and caught it with ease, swirling it in her hands and pointed it dangerously close to his throat.

Celine sensed how he wanted to escape, applying pressure to his broken arm, he immediately screamed yield. Celine raised her eyebrow and smirked, letting the man go as he struggled to stand up. As soon as Ser Howzer stood up, both his arms falling limply on his sides, he looked at Celine with a smile. The man announced Celine as the winner from their fight.

"How about a drink after the tournament? A compensation for my arms." He offered and leaned forward, whispering into her ear and raised his voice a little bit for Celine to hear as the crowd went wild with their cheers.

Celine chuckled, "I already gave you a souvenir, Ser Howzer." She replied and looked at him.

The man laughed and nodded his head as he quickly understood her rejection. Ser Howzer limply left the platform and was immediately tended by a maester for his broken arms.

Celine stood still, placing her hand behind her, ignoring how blood and dirt were sticking to her armor and body. She then finds her brother, Bennard releasing a sigh which is soon followed by a chuckle as he sees his sister playfully wiggling her eyebrows at him.

"To determine our champion, Ser Igor of House Lannister and Lady Celine of House Stark will fight for victory." The man announced, standing in between Ser Igor who's standing on his left and Celine on his right.

Then and there, Daemon noticed how she quickly changed her playful demure into a cold and menacing one. Like she was waiting for this moment to happen. He chuckled, for he sure knew that the final fight would surely bring him great entertainment.

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