chapter 1: Graduation

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Graduation day is perhaps one of the best day in every students life.

Grabbing a degree is among the greatest achievements and milestone of a students life, where the hard work pays off, the struggles, the lectures, the sleepless nights, spending hours in the library and numerous hours of study.

It was a bright and sunny day. The sun shone brilliantly in the clear blue sky, and the white fluffy clouds dotted the sky.

The huge auditorium was decorated with colorful balloons and flowers adding more beauty to the hall.

The headlights arranged in rows, on the ceiling showcasing colorful lights, enhancing the hall.

The hall was bustling with fellow graduands, parents, lecturers and well wishers, roaring and cheering happily.

The ceremony began as the graduands entered the hall in troops marching to their seats.

The president, vice president, prime minister, chancellor, vice chancellor, deans, officeholders, family, friends, and well wishers were all present.

Among graduating students of the prestigious American University of Kuwait was Sabrin Umar Fawad.

Wearing the black knee length gown with a maroon silky cloak was more than enough honour for her.

The ceremony began has everyone was welcomed, the president delivered a commencement speech for the graduating students, certificates were presented, jokes were cracked, tears were shed.

As time went on, the times for presenting awards commenced.
She cheered for her friends and colleagues.

Now the award for the best student of the year goes to Sabrin Umar Fawad with CGPA of 4.87 to emerge the overall best student of the year.

She froze in her seat, shocked, perplexed, flabbergasted, all these would be and understatement to describe how she felt.

Loud cheers emitted from the crowd, she took a deep breath, with a composed posture, she walked up to the stage and collected her award and went back to her seat and her friends colleagues cheered for her.

Now we request our valedictorian, Sabrin Umar fawad to give a speech on behalf of the the students.

She sashayed to the stage confidently and stood on the podium, she smiled, her gaze dropping on her parents. Her mum's eyes glistening with happy tears, and her father looked at her proudly.

"Thank you" she said to calm the roaring audience.

"I feel honoured to stand in front of you all as your valedictorian with this beautiful award. On behalf of the class of 2023, I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for being here to celebrate our hardwork and achievements with us. I'd like to dedicate this award to my parents for their unconditional love and support, and to all those friends I call family, who stood by me through thick and thin and supported me. Cheered me up when I was down and motivated me when I said I couldn't"

" I can say proudly that AUK has made me and all the students here with confidence and has given us great opportunities. The journey that started with hesitant steps and now, we've finally fulfilled our dreams.
I can still remember the first time I came to this university, I was anxious and scared, and excited at the same time. But the few people I've acquainted over here have made me feel home"

She glaced over to her closest friend she met in kuwait. Jinan Shafiq.

"Jinan, I sight you." She said as she raised her hand to her beloved friend.

She gave her speech for a couple of minutes and ended it with
"Being with you my fellow course mates is a beautiful treasure of life, I wish you all good luck and success in your future endeavours, with time, some of us will realize that some goodbyes are really forever."

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