Chapter 7: Single and ready to Mingle.

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Mixed POV's.

Khalid pulled over at the K and S GIL company. The fifth company he build in Jigawa state, among them are MK shopping mall, the biggest shopping mall in jigawa state, KMH eat  rave, the restaurant that offers the best services.

He exited his car and walked into the office. The workers stood on their ground as they all greeted with head hung low and he just nodded his head nonchalantly. He took the elevator to his office and settled down on his office chair and began working on the bunch of files kept on his table.

Sabrin stood in front of his office door as dread pulled in her stomach. She fears this boss already. She gave her self some motivation and knocked lightly on his door.

He was sorting out some files when a faint knock came by, "Come in" He ushered, and continued working. He got so engrossed in what he was doing that he almost forgot the presence of someone else in the office.

"Good morning sir" He heard a soft and mellifluous sound. Despite being intrigued by the voice, instead of him to look up at the lady, he choose to ignore her waiting for her to say what brought her. Because at this point of his life, ladies are not his priority. He knows the tactics ladies play to get men's attention, after all, he was a victim many times. Ladies throw themselves at him and try to grab his attention by dressing immodestly and trying to talk in a sexy way.

When she received no response, she peeked at him through her brows and saw him totally ignoring her existance. She shrugged and decided to just do what brought her.

"Sir, I'm your personal assistant. My name is Sa..." She couldn't finish her sentence when he cut her halfway, He knew it wasn't a good thing to just cut off a person, but has to do so because he's so intrigued by the voice and wants to see who it was.

"Straight to the point young lady." He stated taking her offguard as she stood there mouth agape.

"What an arrogant boss"  Sabrin muttered sending dagger looks his way. Unbeknownst to her, he heard her which caused him to abruptly raise his head and look at her. Their eyes locked for a second, she sucked in a breath and came to a stand still. A pair of black cold eyes stared right back at her, she was quick to avert her gaze because of the intensity of his gaze.

  Strange as it was, the first thing that came to his mind when he saw her hazel eyes was one thing, familiarity, as if he knows her before,  He almost got lost in them as they reminded him of a certain somebody. Sadness masked his features but he immediately replaced it with a cold expression.

She saw how his expression suddenly changed before he kept a cold face. He gave her a piercing gaze that intimidated her, she wished she never made that statement.

She kept mum for a while and kept her eyes in the ground as if they were sort of a beautiful view.  He knows that the look he just gave her scared her. Not as if he cares. "Is the work of my PA to stand in my office all day?" He asked when the silence was getting awkward and all he wanted her to do was to leave .She just ignored the name part and masked her frightened expression. She cleared her throat and began speaking.

"Your schedule for today is, you've a Meeting with Mr Bala from Lagos state, who has been trying to contact you but he couldn't get to you, and the list goes on. When she was done telling him, he simply asked for a cup of strong coffee, without even muttering a thank you or showing his appreciation. She left the office with a pissed off expression evident on her face. She came back after some times with his coffee and kept it in his table, she turned on her heels to leave the office when he muttered "God those eyes!!" 

She heard him but she acted like she hasn't. What's about her eyes she thought. Yes, she has the beautiful hazel eyes, which complimented her fair skin which is very rare in northern Nigeria. She inherited her eye color from her mother Sabiqa, and at school, Jinan never ceases to praise her eye color and she wished she has a beautiful hazel eyes like her.

He knew he won't be able to concentrate on his work for him because he saw a pair of eyes just like her own, the pair of hazel eyes that he can't just get over how beautiful they are, the eyes that triggers him and takes him back to the past. He messaged his temples and called her back. "Miss... He stopped midway when he realised he didn't give her the chance to say her name out, he's contemplating whether junaid told him or not. Nevertheless, a name randomly came to his mind and just used it to call her. "Miss Salma" He called out, she turned around checking if there was any other lady in the office, because as far as she knew, the office is empty if not for her and him. "Me?" She asked pointing towards herself and he just nodded.

"Sorry sir, my name is not Salma, my name is Sa...."
"Whatever your name is, I'm not interested. Its Salma for me". He nonchalantly shrugged

"When the time for my  meeting of the day clicks, I want you to accompany me, and come to remind me"
She gave him one quick glance and muttered "Sure sir"

Instead of going back to her office, she made her way towards Najeeba's door and knocked, she entered and saw najeeba working with her mind fully on the computer. She went and settled her self on the sofa and let out a long sigh "this Boss Is so weird and scary" She muttered.

Najeeba let out a light chuckle and paused what she was doing and made her way towards her on the sofa.
"What's wrong now?, what did the boss do to my dear frienddd. She asked because she knew only the boss can be the reason for her fume.
"It must be fun working with the Boss Right?" She added.

Sabrin rolled her eyes and whined"He's so annoying, and he doesn't even let me talk, he just cuts me off. And till now, he doesn't know my name, he just called me Miss Salma, just imagine?"
Najeeba couldn't help but laugh at the way she talked which earned her a glare from Sabrin. "You think it funny? I'm complaining to you and you're finding it funny? "

"No no no. I'm sorry, but the way you're talking makes you look funny, don't worry about your name or something, just be hard working and you'll get along, I heard that the Boss is single and ready to mingle, so you have a chance with him" Najeeba added with a wink which earned her a smack from Sabrin.

"You're very wicked, you aren't my best friend that i know" she pouted.
Najeeba threw her head and laughed and Sabrin couldn't help but laugh with her. She left her office after some moments and went back to her own office anticipating what would await her.

Eid mubarak!!
Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum.

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