Chapter 9; A new feeling.

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Khalid came to work quite earlier than usual, and to his disbelieve, his PA didn't arrive and at exact time, he's craving for his coffee. She makes his coffee exactly the way he loves it and the fact that he has never tasted a coffee more tasty than her's was something he finds to be exceptional. That's why he always order her to make his coffee.

He began working and kept glancing between the door and his wrist watch waiting for her arrival. Truth be told, he's become quite attached to her because of her diligence and dedication towards her work. And the fact that she isn't like those ladies who swoon over him and try to grab his attention. Sometimes she doesn't even glance at him expect once in a while. While working sometimes, he peeps at her through his brows and can't manage but to admire her beauty. And her beautiful hazel eyes; he cherishes them. He's not even one to give waste time to study ladies or their appearance for that matter, but her; he studied her and knows how she reacts when he cuts her off while talking or when he calls her name incorrectly, how she bites her lower lips out of nervousness and fiddles with her fingers, and her love for Abaya's and chocolates isn't something he failed to notice. Junaid made a right choice of choosing her for his PA and he has do doubt that she can be compared to Jordan, his trusted assistant he left in the US. In fact, Jordan would be proud of her too.

One hour passed and all the workers have arrived, yet there's no sign of her yet and he began to get pissed off. He walked over to the glass windows and stood their waiting for her arrival. With his hands in his suitpants, he spotted her car coming inside the building and she exited the car in a hurry dresssed beautifully in an Ankara. It was her first time wearing an Ankara if he could remember. Some minutes passed and she knocked on the door softly. As if that was what he's been waiting for, he ushered her to come in.

"You're one hour late, if this is how you'll act at work place just resign so that some serious can take over!"

He managed to voice out his annoyance. And when he received no response, he knows he just took her offguard and when she kept mum, he added.
Has the cat got your tongue? Don't you have a valid explanation or are you searching for an excuse from your tiny brain to up with?"

She kept out a loud sigh,which means that she expected that, but that sigh didn't fail to reach his ears and she began explaining in her mellifluous voice which he somehow naturally find it to be soothing, but at this moment, he was so pissed off for him to think of other things.

"I'm sorry sir, I overslept......" She said and without a second thought, he began scolding her, so she's been sleeping while he's craving for her coffee that's one of a kind.

"Do you hear yourself?? You overslept? If this is the kind of laziness you have being a mere PA, imagine what damage you'd do when you become the owner of a whole company!"

Honestly, at this point he got annoyed but not angry, he controls his anger because he might say things to her which will be engraved on her mind forever. Such was his type of anger.
Excuse me sir, I'm sorry to say, but why are you so heartless, I've been trying my very best but you can't seem to appreciate my efforts, I always come early, spend the whole day going to and fro for meetings with you, and among the last people to leave the office, and yet I'm late for one day and you can't let it slide? You think it's easy, I know you're now used to it, but sir, its my first time here. I'm sorry to say, I'm not sorry for being late"

How she just spoke made his turn around and looked at her, as far as he could remember, nobody has ever spoken back to him but she, she just did and he finds it amusing, after all, she was right. He deeply stared into those hazel orbs of hers and she held his gaze too, not for once faltering.She works pretty hard and she never complained but remained loyal and hardworking. Even though she was right, but he needs to show her that he's the boss here and she's the PA.

You've gotten that audacity to talk back to me right?" He said that and she just apologized for being rude and he just dismissed her for his cup of coffee and noted it in his mind that he's going to give her a day off to rest.

She left the office closing the door roughly, a smile managed to find its way into his lips at the way she chooses to express her anger. No matter how he hates to admit, he was certain that he liked her. And it might sound absurd, but he feels a sense of familiarity with her, her eyes, her smile, her anger, the way she talks, and how she whines when she's tired. There offices are attached but the glass that stood between them-even though it isn't that very transparent because everyone need his/her privacy-, it's makes him have a glimpse of whatever she does and when she comes, when his secretary comes to drag her out for lunch and almost everything.

He sat down waiting for her when junaid entered his office "How far bros" he said, the sides of his lips stretched out in a smile. He sat opposite him and placed his leg one above the other.
Khalid snorted and sat on his black swivel chair "what's with this smile, has your long term wish of getting a girlfriend come true?" He asked jokingly.

"I think I've developed a liking for someone and I'm thinking of proposing to her very soon, I haven't figured out my feelings yet, I just feel like she's the one. It isn't love but its just there." Junaid said as he pretended to be daydreaming about it.

"Wow, finally you'll be off the bachelor's list, just follow your heart, if she's destined to be your, no one can stop it." Khalid said smiling. He rarely smiles and likes to keep a poker face all the times, but when he's with junaid, he can't help. Even if he does so, junaid will get on his nerves saying that it he won't talk to him if he gives him a serious face, and that's why he doesn't frown his face when he's with junaid expect when necessary.

Junaid threw him a 'are you serious look' and said "Look who's talking, the one that haven't even gave ladies a second glance saying that he doesn't want distraction".

Khalid smiled and said "Don't Worry about me, everything comes with time, who knows I might get married before you"

Junaid got on his feet and exclaimed, "Never, Never, that's means I'll be old and be a grandfather instead of a father. I want to enjoy life to the fullest during my young age, unlike you. " Khalid couldn't help but laugh at the way junaid reacted, his laugh dissipated into a smile, and at the same time, a knock came by and junaid ushered the person at the door to come in.

He saw Sabrin staring at him and her eyes wide as saucers probably shocked to see a smile on his face. Yes, his smile is worth seeing because he never smiled when he was with her or any of his employee. He immediately replaced his smile with a cold expression and averted his gaze. She kept his coffee at his table and left them to themselves. Somehow, he felt guilty for not leaving his face as it was when he noticed her staring. Maybe its because a new different feeling, a new heartbeat that he's never experienced before is making its way into his heart and he doesn't want to admit it.


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