Chapter 24; Agape

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Their return back to Nigeria was something the looked forward to, Canada has been a wonderful country filled with adventures, and many beautiful places. Even though they stayed there for only few days, but their experience there made them feel like they've stayed there for a long time.

They reached the airport in his private jet and what they met there left them dumbstruck. The while place was filed with paparazzi  waiting for their arrival. Khalid hated publicity and always tried to run away from it. He doesn't like the way they prey into his life and try to know more about him. Due to this, he always dodged the media. And the recent successes he's been making in the past few days and the way he's emerging to the top intrigues them. Because never in history has a young man like him has the blooming and successful business all over the whole. And that too, Self made billionaire.

He grunted annoyed and immediately fished out his phone to call junaid. "Junaid why is this paparazzi doing here? How the hell did they know that I was coming back today? You know I hate them and their antics, couldn't you control them?" He yelled at junaid.

He kept mum while junaid explained to him that he himself doesn't know how they got the news. " I don't want to hear anything Junaid, just do something and get me out of here" with that, he hung up the call and held it to tightly within his fist as if he'll squeeze it.

Sabrin sat meekly in her seat watching the drama's that unfold before her eyes. She hates publicity, but now, she's going to hate it even more.

Khalid cleared his throat loud enough for Sabrin to hear and she turned her face to face him. There eyes locked and he gave her an apologetic look. She gave him a tight lipped smile and turned her face away.

"Sabrin" He called out to get her attention. She turned her face towards him and he added "I'm very sorry I dragged you into this mess with me. I don't know they'd becoming here. Junaid will sort everything okay?"

" its okay I can manage." She gave him an assuring smile and looked away, turning her attention back outside.  They sat in comfortable silence when Khalid's phone rang shortly.

"Please tell me you've got everything sorted out?" He bombarded the caller with questions and raised his voice a little, making her flinch because she didn't expect that. The caller spoke and Khalid stood up making his way towards the door, gesturing for Sabrin to follow him. The crew opened the door for him and a bunch of security officers stood waiting for them to accompany them to their car. Unfortunately they have to walk pass through them.

"We have to pass through them to get to our car, you should just ignore whatever they say and just follow my lead." He told Sabrin and she just nodded and followed him like a lost and drenched cat.

They began walking towards them to where their car was parked and the paparazzi roared out of happiness because they've finally set their eyes on him.

"Congratulations sir, how are you feeling after this achievements you've been making? Sir we've been waiting for you for almost 5 hours, can you please consider us?  Sir you're welcome can you please answer our questions? Sir, they say you don't travel with anyone for your business meetings, then who is this lady with you? Is she really your personal assistant or is she your mistress?"

They bombarded him with many questions he choose to ignore, because he don't have their time at all. But the last question they threw at him was unexpected and it made his heart drop. He immediately stopped in his track and threw the one that asked that question one deathly stare, even through he wore black sunglasses and his eyes weren't visible, but the man had to Avert his gaze and looked away because of the intensity of his gaze. Without speaking a word to them, he proceeded towards the car and settled in.

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