Chapter 3 : Kindred ties

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She woke up as the beautiful fajr adhan that echoed in the air reached her ears, she uttered the supplication for waking up and went to the balcony and stood there, replying to the adhan slowly, after the adhan, she ambulated to the bathroom, did her wuduu and spread out the prayer mat, she performed her prayers and went back to bed for the second time. It was already past ten when she sluggishly woke up and took her bath. She dressed up in a silky pitch gown and tied her head with a turban, she looked in the mirror and she's good to go, dressed in a silky pitch gown, she was a thing of beauty.

She first went to her parents room and softly knocked on the door, when she received no response she slowly opened the door an peeped in, when she saw no sign of them, she  closed the door and walked to her sisters room, she knocked but she heard no sound at all, she opened the door and saw her sister's room clean and her bed made. They must be downstairs, she thought and made her way downstairs because she's so hungry that her stomach made weird and funny sounds.

As she descend down the stairs, she heard her parents laughter resonating in the dining table area, the sounds that is always pleasing to her ears and soul. She made her way towards the dining table and saw her parents laughing while Aleena cracked them up with her silly jokes. They were oblivious to her appearance, her mother's eyes got teary because of laughter and her father holding his stomach, their maids too were laughing hysterically, which she found to be amusing,  "And baba, you know what, they were suspended and never tried such a joke on any teacher again" Aleena rambled endlessly. She stood there admiring them until their laughter died down before she made her presence known

" Mama!! Baba!! Good morning"  she greeted and all eyes turned at her
"Morning dear," They both answered in unison and they turned and looked at at other lovingly.

"Hope you slept well" Mama asked. "I slept well Alhamdulillah" she replied.
"Take a seat" Baba ushered and she took her seat beside Aleena, "Good Morning sis" aleena greeted her.

"Morning Leena", i went to your room and i saw neat your room looks, i'm impressed" she commented, i just remembered the days when you couldn't even make your bed" Sabrina commented letting out a light chuckle.

"I'm now a grown up, I just finished my secondary school, start calling me doctor Aleena" Aleena stated proudly
Sabrin pulled her cheek and said, "To me, you will still remain that baby sis" and they all laughed

The maid began serving them food, they ate there food while conversing and laughing.

When they were done, they'll settled in the living room until Mama broke the good news to them.

"You guys should start packing, we're going to Jigawa state, our hometown, your uncles and aunties kept asking about you, furthermore, its been 15 years since you left jigawa....." Mama didn't finish talking before she knew it, they shouted and squirmed while running towards their parents and hugging the living daylights out of them.

"Ahh pity your old parents naw, you want to break our bones ne" Mama said jokingly and Baba chuckled.
"We're just happy Mama, thank you so much " Aleena said releasing mama after the hug.

When they left jigawa and came to abuja, Aleena was only 3, and her memories of jigawa were hazy, so she really wants to visit her hometown, and she has many cousins there which she never met but she spoke to them on the phone and they really get along.

While Sabrin is so excited because jigawa is full of memories for her. She can't wait to meet her favourite cousin and members of her family, her parents sometimes visit jigawa during there day off at work, but she never got a chance to visit because she's been in school.

"We're leaving the day after tomorrow, I've booked our flights, make sure you're done packing" Baba said

They both hugged Baba at the same time and thanked him profusely, then they sprinted upstairs to their rooms leaving their parents to themselves.

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