Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home

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Sabrin spend four more days with her parents in kuwait and she couldn't be more glad. Syham returned back to Egypt after staying for two days considering that his leave was short, being the senior captains makes your attention to be needed everywhere.

They explored Kuwait, starting from its towers, beaches, museums, parks and many more places. And the famous dish in kuwait, machboos, a rise-based dish usually prepared with basmati rice reasoned with spices, chicken or mutton is to to die for.

The day came when Sabrin would be going home. Jinan and Aazaan offered to take them to the airport to which they really appreciate. Jinan held on to her and cried over how she'd miss her and when She'll see her again. Sabrin silently sobbed too. Sabrin and Jinan met in their first years and they instantly clicked, Jinan is the kind of person that's loving, social and talks a lot. While Sabrin isn't that social but her kindness makes you want to be with her for life. Jinan stays in Kuwait with her family. She has an elder brother, Aazaan, who once expressed his liking for Sabrin, to which she politely declined. Jinan's family is so loving, some days, Jinan's parents would make her sleepover with them and they showered a lot of love on her. Her parents visited them and they made sure they fully enjoyed there stay by sending them food or spending the day with them.

An announcement for those travelling to board their plane was made and they hugged each other for the last time, they bid each other farewell and part ways. She truly believed every ending is a new beginning and every beginning has an ending. So she took a step forward towards life and ready to see what life would unfold for her.

"Welcome to Nnamdi Azikuwe international Airport, Abuja"

An announcement was made and the first thing she did after getting off the plane was stretching, her whole body felt sore from sitting in one place for more than seven hours. She turned to see her parents equally exhausted. Her father made a phone call to her chauffer while they made their ways through the arrivals gate and their luggage's being carried by a porter to their car.

She wasn't surprised when she saw five cars coming just to pick them up owing to the fact that her father was affluent. They settled in one car and took off. The journey felt long considering that they were tired and they conversed a little. She slept by placing her head in her mothers shoulder before she was tapped by her mom to get up, they're almost home.

It was already midnight when they reached home. A huge gigantic gate was open and a magnificent and ravishing mansion came into view. The beauty of the mansion always keeps her in awe. The mansion was beautiful architecture-d and perfect in every aspect. They exited the car and made their way through the Hallway, the house was eerily silent and they could decipher a heartwarming scent, the living room was dark and it was silent. As they walked into the living room, the lights suddenly went on and beautiful red roses began to rain on her, the living room was beautifully decorated with beautiful flowers and colorful balloons, there's a big cake on a table and a big banner, in it was beautifully written

"Congratulations Sabrin Umar Fawad"

To say she was shocked would be an understatement. She walked further into the living room and admired how beautifully everything looks, she turned to look at her parents but they were equally shocked and surprised.

"Congratulations sis" Came her sister, Aleena as she descend the stairs.
"I've been waiting for your arrival, hope you love this" she said as she walked toward her sister.

Sabrin suddenly hugged her sister tightly, she can't imagine the love her sister have for her to make everything so beautiful. She hugged her back and rocked her by the sides.

"You shouldn't have bothered yourself to make all these" She said as they released each other from the hug and she lovingly kissed her forehead. "Thank you" Sabrin said smiling.

"I also made your favorite chocolate cake just the way you loved it" Leena added. "Ohh leena, you're truly the best sister in the world" Sabrin said.

There parents stood by the side watching as the sisters shower love on each other. "Congratulations once again, I'm so proud of you, its truly beautiful that you passed out as their valedictorian, Mama and baba must be very proud". Leena said with a happy smile on her face, they both turned and glimpsed at their parents. Aleena walked to where her parents stood and engulfed them in a hug, they hugged her back "Baba, mama, I missed you all. Aleena stated.
"We missed you too, we thought you'll be done with your exams tomorrow?" Baba asked worry masking his expression.

"I just came back from school this morning, fortunately my exams ended earlier, we rushed everything and when I heard that you'll be coming today, I made these for Sabrin" How's it? She cutely asked her parents.

"Its so beautiful, we are so proud of you" Mama said. "How did you manage to do all these alone?" Baba asked. "Actually, I ordered these flowers and balloons from a shop, my friend came over and helped me arranged these and with the help of the housemaids i baked this chocolate cake for Sabrin" she explained smiling sheepishly.
"Proud of you my leena" Baba commented to which a huge grin took over her face.

"How's your exams" Baba asked leena.
"Uhmm Baba, I can't wait till tomorrow to share this with you, we finished our exams, i passed my WAEC and NECO with A's. our Jamb results was released and I scored 271, and because of that, I was given scholarship into Nile university to study medicine and surgery.
I can't believe I can pursue my dream of being a medical doctor" Aleena said and she did a little victory spin, grinning from ear to ear.

"Congratulations Aleena" Baba congratulated her and Mama hugged her.

"We have double reason to celebrate this night, Congratulations leena, I always knew my sister was a brainiac" came Sabrin's voice,

"Thank you sis" Aleena said. Group hug, Sabrin shouted walking towards them and they hugged each other.

They cut the cake, ate to there heart content and kept the rest in the fridge, they were exhausted, but they couldn't find it in them to let Aleena's hard work go in vain.

They video called Syham that night and they conversed a little, Aleena whining that he never called her and he forgot about her in Egypt. He explained his work situations for her and he promised he'll make up for her. He promised that whenever he comes back home, he'll spend all his holidays her. She felt so happy.

They retired for the night with smiles on their faces. It was truly a blessing to have such a beautiful family.

An update
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