Chapter 26; Doom

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Sabrin stretched her hands and turned her neck in a relaxing manner. She's been looking into the laptop for the past 30 minute. The work that Khalid did is so perfect and flawless, she doesn't know why he insisted that she must go through it. "I'm done sir" she announced to him as he looked up from his phone in her direction.

"Huh" he asked when he thought he didn't hear her properly. He is amazed, because 30 minute is not enough to go through all that. He gave her an amused look and didn't hide his amusement at all.

"I said I'm done sir, I'm done going through it, its perfect in every way. You've put down a flawless work, you're truly a genius, like for real " she praised

"Wow, that was fast, and thank you for the compliment"

"It isn't a compliment sir, I'm simply stating the fact"

"Well, thanks. Now go and print it for me right now, I want to use it now" he ordered and she abruptly stood up. Wasting time for him is something she doesn't want to do.

She was at the door turning the door handle when he called her name. "Sabrin"  he called out and she turned around "yes sir?" She replied hugging the laptop to her chest.

"In your way out, tell Najeeba to check the Conference room again. And right now" he ordered, his attention still on his phone. "Okay Sir, right away" with that, she left the office and proceeded towards Najeeba's office to pass the news to her.

She proceed downstairs using the elevator to print out his files. She hugged the Laptop to her chest as if her life depended on it. Well, she doesn't want to ruin his things.

Hopefully, she printed the files successfully and arranged them properly. She was on her way to the elevator to go to his office to give him the files when she suddenly bumped into Meera and her friends, or they deliberately bumped to her.

The files in her hands fall down, they immediately picked up her files and handed it to her without saying a word to her. She collected the papers and thanked them, but they just ignored her and went their way. Why are they suddenly quite when they were the ones that badmouthed her in the morning? She thought.

Khalid sat waiting for her at the boardroom, the meeting almost starting as they are waiting for one person to make his presence. And that figure is a big figure, If not, Khalid is a great respecter of time and doesn't like those who come late to meetings. But sometimes, he has to consider traffic and all those stuffs.

She handed it to him and he gave her a curt nod with a satisfying look in his eyes. He opened the files and began going through them.

Sabrin's eyes were over him when she saw his expression suddenly changed and his demeanor changed. He kept searching in between the papers for something Sabrin couldn't decipher what.

"Sabrin where are the rest of the papers?" He asked as his eyes assessed in between the papers.

"Which papers sir, I printed them all. They are all in there" she replied as her heart beat like a horse galloping relentlessly.

He stood up and went to his office as he gestured for her to follow him. She meekly followed him as she anticipated the worse but she prayed she hasn't messed up. He looked angry and she hopes she isn't the reason behind his anger.

"Sabrin where are the rest of the papers? Don't tell me you've lost them, they were very important files, I worked day and night for them, and now the people I'm having this meeting with her coming in a while, what do you expect me to say to them now?" He roared at her the moment she entered his office. She has never seen him angry and deep beneath her, she's afraid of his anger because like a horse, he's hard to tame down.

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