Chapter 4 : Lost but Found

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It had already been months since they came to jigawa and they're talking about going back to Abuja because their father have to go and take care of his business and their mother have her own shop which she left in the hands of her assistant which she has to go and supervise.

Her stay in Jigawa has been nothing but fun, she and her cousins had the best days of their life's, from visiting families, sleepovers, going to the parks and lots more.

She sat in the confines of her home with Farha, who just came some moments ago, she's thinking of how to tell her parents that she wants to stay back in jigawa, she doesn't want to go back home yet. And talking about staying back, her life and soul is in jigawa, she hardly have friends in abuja and wants to work. And her father of course, have many industries in Abuja, it won't take him even a minute to just employ her, and because of how well her certificates are, She'll definitely be appointed, but she wants to stay jigawa with Farha and her other cousins.

Sabrin kept moving to and fro In her room while Farha sat in the Ottoman staring at her, "Arent your feet tired of moving here and there? What's the big deal, just go and explain, I know they'll understand you"

Sabrin sat at the edge of the bed and let out a long sigh "you won't understand, I'll be able to convince baba, but mama is very hard to convince"
Farha Said while staring at Sabrin "Just go now, don't feed your mind with pessimistic thoughts, just say you'll stay for some couple of months and go back later"

Sabrin took a deep breath and abruptly stood up and went to the door" wish me luck"

Farha raised her thumbs up and mouthed "good luck."

She was standing in front of parent's door, fidgeting with her fingers and she placed a soft knock on the door.
"Yes, come in" She heard her mothers voice from the other end.
She pushed the door and sat close to her as her mother was engrossed in a phone call, from the way she's speaking, she definitely knows its about her shop in Abuja. Her father went out with some of her uncles to discuss business stuffs and what not. She finished after some minute and turned to Sabrin.
"What's wrong" She asked when she noticed how nervous she was.
She cleared her throat and began speaking in a low voice "Actually mama, i want to stay back in jigawa and I want to work" she just took a moment to look up at her mother and she saw her mother kept a straight face Sabrin just took that as a cue to continue speaking "I don't want to go back to Abuja, I hardly have friends there and in jigawa, I have Farha, I have uncle Sam and everybody here, if I go to Abuja now, and Baba goes to work and you also go to your shop, and Aleena starts going to school, I'll be left all alone, I'll be bored. And I know Baba will appoint me in his Company, but I just want to stay in a place where I have friends, and you know I really want to be independent, I want to earn my money just like you and Baba, I don't want any favors. Mama please, I'll stay with Farha and her parents, you know her mom loves me to the core and wants me to stay with them"

She looked up to her mother and saw her mother's face straight as it was before, she almost gave up when a smile took over her mothers face. "Is that why you're speaking like a baby and playing with your fingers?

She didn't notice that she was busy pulling her fingers as if she want to remove them all.

It wasn't difficult to convince her mother as she thought it would be. She left her mothers room with a smile adorning her lips.

She reached her room and decided to play a prank on Farha before sharing the good news with her. She pushed her room door and kept a long face. Farha was busy munching on Chocolates when she entered and she just dropped herself on the edge of the bed.

Farha got worried seeing the long face and just bombarded her with question "Ree, what's wrong? Did she say no? Please answer me? Oh my god? All my plans of spending days with you are ruined? " She rambled endlessly and dropped herself on the bed.

Because, its foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن