Chapter 18; Canada; Here we come!

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Sabrin's  happiness knew no bounds as she packed her cloth, and zipped it. Making sure she packed all that she'd be needing.  Farha sat on the edge of the bed, sulking, "this isn't fair, how can you leave me alone and go to a whole Canada. You know I need you all the time now, whether regarding school or anything"

Sabrin sat beside her and took her hands in her own hands. "Not worry Farha, we can talk through the phone, beside, I'm just going their for five days. I'll be back before you know it, and you can call me through video call"

Honestly, she wants to hang around, but he  firmly told her that they're only going there for five days and no more, and she wants to work and have fun a little. Atleast, she deserves that right?

Well, she wants to have fun and she will make him enjoy himself too, away from the stress of working.

Her phone buzzed and a text message came in,"I'm outside your house, hurry up"
He collected her phone number in the office and told her he'd pick her up and they'll go to the airport together.

She took her luggae and went downstairs, Farha trailing behind her. She hugged her aunt and told her she'd be going now, she wished her a safe journey and she went outside. "I can't wait to see  boss of yours," Farha said out of nowhere, a devilish smile on her face

"Farha please don't embarrass me in front  of him by saying anything inappropriate. I beg you" Sabrin said  making farha laugh inwardly

Sometimes Farha don't have control over her mouth. She likes to speak her mind and be free. And when you're wrong, she doesn't hesitation in telling you your mistakes and when you're right, she'd praise you to your face. She's kind heart and doesn't hold anything back. And since the day Sabrin told her about her Boss, she hasn't forgotten it and has been anticipating to meet him. Sabrin means the world to her, they might not have grown in the same house and spend most of their childhood together, she always cherishes her and loves her a lot. "Well, it depends on how I see him, now let's go now"

A black SUV with tinted glasses was packed outside. At first, she thought it wasn't his car, until he horned at them because he has expensive cars and she never saw him driving an SUV for that matter.

He unlocked the boot of the car and she dropped her suitcase, holding her bag in her hand, and she thought about whether to sit in the front or at the back, she opted for the latter and opened the back seat, "Am I your driver now? come to the front and sit down." His voice came by.

She went to the front seat to open the car but farha beat her to it.Farha opened the car and bend to see her sister's so called boss, but what she told him made Sabrin's feet turn cold as   "Oh my god, so you are her boss, she always told me you were handsome and Grumpy but she never told me you were drop-dead gorgeous."

Sabrin just covered her face with her palms out of embarrassment. Out of any other day, is today that farha decided to embarrass her, that too when they'd be travelling. She slapped farha on her arms making her let out a loud shriek.

  Farha touched the place Sabrina slapped her and robbed the place, "Ohh I'm sorry sis, allow me to speak my mind, god knows how I've been wanting to give him a  peace of my mind. Allow me" farha insisted  ignoring all the signs Sabrin has been giving her to keep quite.

"please and please, stop being all bossy and grumpy towards my sister, she's so kind, but you're making her work all the times, is this fair, and you always cut her off while talking? Is this his you behave with your employees? OK top of that, you don't even know the name of your PA till today, how can you randomly name her with a name. Please Mr handsome grumpy man, be kind to her, especially when she'd be stuck with you for five days, in Canada for that matter, thank you"

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