Chapter 8; A moment of dèja vu

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Sabrin slowly flickered her eyes open as the birds chirping and the crows made their early bickerings. She stretched on her bed yawning and placed her palm on her face before she fully settled to the sunlight that cast its rays into her room. She stretched on the bed and reached for her phone on the bedside table and tabbed it open, her eyes flung open, Subhanallah!! She exclaimed.

She slept very late last night as she and Farha spend almost half of the night talking and enjoying themselves. Farha is in her final year studying Biochemistry, which is taking a huge toll on her. And Sabrin goes to work and comes home exhausted, they hardly have time to sit down and converse. Last night was all about Farha complaining about Biochemistry, and she kept ranting about how she can't wait to be done with it while Sabrin told her all about her work, her boss and how he is. Unlike Najeeba, Farha supported her and cursed her boss for putting a big work load on her beloved cousin, and for always cutting her off when she's talking and for changing her name??Farha literally asked for the boss's number ready to give him an earful, like who does that, yes he can be the boss, that doesn't mean he can just treat people anyway he likes.

She sprinted towards the bathroom and took the quickest bath she ever took in her whole life, she opened her wardrobe and her eyes settled on the first piece of cloth and grabbed it, it was a beautiful ankara sewn into a gown, it was her first time wearing an ankara to work, and to her exception, it looked beautiful on her. She tied her headtie into a simple one she could think of and took a matching veil,she applied some kohl, lip gloss, took her bag and emerged downstairs as fast as she could.

She met her aunt, Farha's mother arranging the dining table, she tiptoed towards her and hugged her back, "Good morning aunt, I'm late very today, I can't have breakfast, I'll buy something at the cafeteria and eat. Bye" She grabbed an Apple and dashed out without waiting for her aunt to respond, because she knows no matter how late she claims to be, She'll make her eat breakfast before she goes to work, and she won't even know which part of her stomach the food will go to because of uneasiness.
She settled in her brand new car her father send her and she couldn't be more than thankful. She revived her engine to life and drove out, but not before saying her supplication for leaving the home.

She reached the office In less than 10 minutes and waved to the rest of the walkers as a good morning gesture, all of the workers love her because of her outgoing personality and how easy going she is, walking as fast as she could. Few minutes later, she stood at her boss door knocking and her heart somersaulting "Come in" He ushered and she said her salam and entered. The boss stood majestically his back facing her as he stares at the view his glass windows gives.

Even before she could greet him, his grumpiness started "You're one hour late, if this is how you'll act at work place just resign so that some serious can take over!"

She shook her head in disbelieve, he forgot all the times she came early when the whole building was empty and most of the time, the two of them were the last to leave the office.

"Has the cat got your tongue. Don't you have a valid explanation or are you searchingfor an excuse from your tiny brain to up with?" He said still not facing her.

She let out a sign, that was all she expected after all, and began speaking" I'm sorry sir, I overslept......"

He just cut her off again. She hates being cut off when she's speaking, but she has no choice but to bear with him.
"Do you hear yourself?? You overslept? If this is the kind of laziness you have being a mere PA, imagine what damage you'd do when you become the owner of a whole company?

What the hell, she thought. He just hit a nerve and she just can't let this slide.
"Excuse me sir, I'm sorry to say, but why are you so heartless, I've been trying my very best but you can't seem to appreciate my efforts, I always come early, spend the whole day going to and fro for meetings with you, and among the last people to leave the office, and yet I'm late for one day and you can't let it slide? You think it's easy, I know you're now used to it, but sir, its my first time here. I'm sorry to say, I'm not sorry for being late"

He abruptly turned around in his all might and not a moment did she let her fear of him be evident on her face, she held his gaze for a few seconds as he stared deeply into her eyes and she stared back daring him, not for a moment did she falter. He scrutinized her up and down and threw her a hard glare.

She doesn't know where she got that mouth to talk to her boss like this, but just because he is the boss doesn't mean he can say whatever he wants to her. At least she's trying. The last time she checked her Weight, she lost some Kg.

"You've gotten that audacity to talk back to me right?" He stated and she gulped whenever was in her throat.
"I'm sorry sir!" She managed to voice out an apology and lowered her eyes down.
"I'm letting this slide for today, make sure this doesn't happen again."

He dismissed her and just asked for a cup of his coffee.

She exited his office and went out but not before banging at the door showing her anger, she met junaid on her way and her anger dissipated when he gave her a warm smile and she smiled back, they exchanged pleasantries and she went her way, if only he know how the CEO is getting on her nerves.

She came back some couples of minutes and knocked, it was junaid who answered, she entered and saw her boss smiling over what junaid was telling him, if not for the fact that she was pissed off at him, she would have swooned over how breathtaking he looks with his million dollar smile adorning his face. He noticed her staring at him and immediately composed his face to its usual cold face. She kept it at his table and walked out, leaving them to themselves.

She walked to Najeeba's office and entered without even knocking. Najeeba saw her and just managed to hide her smile at her pissed off face. She knew it was between her and the boss again. Sabrin settled on her Sofa and hissed. Najeeba couldn't help but let out a chuckle. Sabrin gave her a glare to which she threw her head back and laughed.
"What did the boss do again?" She asked and Sabrin narrated everything to her. She laughed while clutching on to her stomach. After she sobered up, she hailed Sabrin for her courage, because no one has ever talked back to the boss. But letting this slide easily by this boss is quite surprising for her.

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