Chapter 17; Nostalgia

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Sabrina clutched to her pillow crying her heart out. What Khalid just told her about his life turned her into a mess. She took the bracelet her bubbi gave her and bought it close to her heart, "I'm sorry, you had to to through a lot, I left you when I was supposed to be there. I'm sorry."

"Its been 15 years, 5 months and 9 days since I last set my eyes on her, I was 12 and she was a 10. She was the best friend everyone could ask for. She had beautiful hazel eyes, you know the first time I met you as my PA, your hazel eyes reminded me of her, it looked exactly like yours. She had beautiful dimples adorning her cheeks, she had pouty lips and long black silky hair. When she smiled, she had the most beautiful smile, and when she laughs, she looks sort of an angel. She had melodious voice whenever she spoke"

She was a  kind, carefree, beautiful, and a courageous girl. And I used to be that timid guy who hates trouble and stays away from people. When children from school bully me, she carried her head held high and would always stand up for me

He turned to look at her and saw her listening attentively, a strange kind of emotions taking over her irises. "Should I continue?" He said taking her out of her trance.

"Yes, please continue, I would like to know more."  He nodded his head and looked away.

"Well, Do you see that big house over there?" He asked her pointing over a house, and she nodded her head.

"Well, that's where me and my late pa..parents used to live" his voice cracking up a bit"

And that beautiful house, in that estate, used to be their house, a wide difference right?"

He found it hard to let it out. He looked in her direction and her eyes all got misty. He didn't comment on that and continued talking.

"Well, we always used to come here to play after school, sometimes we'd dose off right here, while our parents get worried sick searching for us. We'd play during the weekends, and she gave me a beautiful nickname too, she fondly called me  Bubba while I call her Bubbi. This place used to be our favorite place, either to hide or to play. "I'll never leave your side Bubba" those were the exact words she used to tell me when we had a fight and I tell her to leave me alone, my anger will quickly  dissipate I'll foolishly into her hazel eyes and tell her the same "I'll always be by your side too  Bubbi"

She loved being in the swing while I pushed her, she loved walking over that beautiful water fountain barefooted. She loved nature, she loves playing in the rain, she loved the smell of rain. she'd always tell me how she wants to be superwoman when she grows up so that she can beat those who trouble me. And It wasn't like I was  scared of them, my father always advised me to not get involved in fight and lead with love, that was l I was doing.

"And the day I'd be travelling with my parents to see my grandmother, I told her, and i also told her how uneasy i felt, i felt like something bad is about to happen, and she felt really bad, being the strong girl she was, she gave me words of encouragement by motivating me using my mother's words and she just said 'Bubbi, your Maa said when you're worried, you should pray right, then you should pray to Allah, nothing bad will happen

She promised to stay by my side through the highs and the lows, she promised to always be there for me. And the day I'd be travelling, she came home with her mother and brought me  this beautiful ring, she said she bought it for us, so that we can recognise each other by it. She said We'd be friends forever. And I also brought a simple bracelet for her, I don't know whether she still has it or not.

"I traveled along with my parents, and that trip changed my life, it reshaped me as a person, and the last time I set my eyes on her was when I woke up in a hospital bed, I saw her crying calling out my name, i opened my eyes and saw hee swollen eyes due to the hours she spend crying. she smiled and told me how worried I made her be, I laughed at her and called her a cry baby. We talked for almost an hour, because she made my worries go away for a while. Her parents took her out, saying that I needed rest. And unbeknownst to me, they took her away from my life forever. She was a really good friend. I don't know why her parents did what they did. After that, I was taken to my grandmother permanently, where I was enrolled to a new school and met junaid over there, and there's where a new chapter of my life began, and truth be told i still have every piece of our memories in my brain, I really look forward to meeting her again. Its been 10 whole years now. I'm sure she have forgotten about me now. Perhaps she's married and have many kids. But i have a habit of holding onto special things that means a lot to Me. I really miss her that I've become a mess"

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