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I'm in the kitchen again. Alright, I know what you're thinking. "She's acting suspicious. What's the freak going to do?"

And my answer to that is...nothing. I'm not telling you because I'm not sure of it myself. But I still clutch the handle and look at my reflection, the nose cannula resting on my face. I take a deep breath with my tight, weak and damaged lungs.

Heading to the lab.That's where Tony is. Teddy's woken up and is worse then ever. But I ignore him. His constant whining and nagging in the back of my mind. I take a glass with me, throwing it across the hall outside his lab door.

I'm hidden behind a hallway corner as I watch him run out the room. I quickly sneak in the lab and grab my suit, leaving just as fast as I came. He never saw me.

I make my way to the roof, and I sit at the edge. I look down at the sparkling lights of the city beneath my seat. If I pushed off, I could be free. Free of change and time. Free of Teddy and my curse which I call my power. It's dormant right now, but when it opens...

So maybe I should push. I scoot closer and closer to the edge. I think if I should really do this. My hope is almost gone. Why not.

A hand reaches across my chest the moment I fully push off, and I'm thrown against the floor of the concrete roof. "What are you doing?" A voice yells at me. I look up and gasp. It's... Sunny! I run up and hug him. At least he will give me a bit of hope. His eyes are full of it anyways. "Don't leave without me," he says followed by a laugh.

"Don't talk like that!" I sign back to him. "You should never try to do that!" He flicks my forehead with a chuckle. "But you were just about to! Hypocrite..." I smack his head for that.

I feel another voice that isn't Teddy's enter my head, and it makes me shiver.

'My son...' Teddy says to him.

'You are yet to destroy this world like you promised?' The other voice comes in.

'Idiot, stop. I'm never letting you do that," Sunny's voice comes into my mind too.

The two voices of Teddy and his supposed, "son," talk in both our minds as I stare at Sunny. "You have one of these things too?" I ask. I wipe away at a nosebleed they've been causing. "My powers are derived from yours. So I suppose I got whatever thing you have."

I nod. "Let's let them out," I say to him. I have a bit of a deaf accent, but he understands. "We could help control each other. Besides, Teddy's killing my head," I joke. His playful smirk comes to his face and lights up his eyes.

'Yes! Finally free!' Teddy screams into my ears.

I stop fighting him. It's like a weight has been lifted. I feel myself change as Teddy spreads through my body, getting comfortable with the controls.

I know that Sunny's feeling the same thing.

I don't feel my body anymore. I can't get back into the controls. I don't think. I am Teddy.

Teddy jumps off the building with Sunny as the wind obeys him. We fly across the sky for a while.

We land. It's a dark alleyway. A woman sits there screaming. I barely remember what happens next. I remember being refreshed, Teddy being full.

Because Teddy finally ate what he needed to eat (blood) my headache went away. He was content. We visited about ten people that night before we returned.

Sunny was still being controlled by his version of Teddy when he left. When Teddy is in control, it drains me. When he leaves I can barely stand.

So he takes me to bed and I'm back in control. I pass out.
Someone's shaking my shoulder. They've been doing it for a while, now that I think about it. My eyes have been open longer.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu