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I wait right outside the Midtown school of science and technology. I manipulated one of the people on the inside to call Sam outside, claiming I was Stark. With my power, they believed it.

So, here I am. Waiting. Waiting for my only friend, the friend who should have left with me if she wasn't in that coma.

She never experienced what fun is, I realized a while ago. That's what I'm here for. Why play by society's rules? Society never treated us right, this universe might be the same.

I see Sam escorted out of the school by a woman, looking around for this Stark. I walk up to her, and Sam's expression brightens. I take her hand and I'm about to pull her away before the woman places a hand on me. I instinctively flinch, my body remembering all the times others have hurt me.

I push on her mind, just slightly. "Can I take my daughter now?" I ask. Right now, she's seeing Stark. "Oh-oh, yes! I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. Have a good day!" She walks off happily, thinking she just met the billionaire.

I'm not exactly holding Sam's hand. I'm holding her sleeve. We still don't want to tough each other. It's unspoken. Like we don't want to touch each others scars in fear that it'll hurt. It's idiotic, but so many other things in this world would rank higher in stupidity.

She gives me a small giggle as we run through the streets, almost being hit by a car in the process.

This reminds me of the time I had jumped out of a van to get away from my kidnappers. I call them monsters.

Sam bats my arm with her hand, signaling for me to stop. I turn around to face her. She's out of breath. Far more out of breath than the day at my farm. Now that I notice, she has a tube under her nose. A nose cannula. Does she have respiratory issues?

Luckily, we stopped somewhere near my hideout. I push her lightly by the bag to a hole in the ground. "Come," she looks confused, but she follows me. I don't know if she trusts me though.

The hole immediately leads into a cave. One which I've already decorated. There's a carpet and a small couch, books lined against the cave walls which I've learned to call my home. I have a small lamp on top of a cooler where I store my food, and a stack of cloths on its right side. Each and every one of these items have been stolen with the help of my power.

"Where are we?" She signs to me, looking around the small cave. "Welcome to my home," I sign, spinning around so I can look at every part of it.

Her fingers trace the sketches which I've somehow found a way to tape to the uneven walls of stone.

I watch as she opens a small cardboard box on the table in the center of the cave. "Maybe you shouldn't look at that," I say to her, not caring if she understood or not. I try to take it from her, but my fingers almost brush against hers, and I quickly pull away before we touch.

She opens the box and her eyes widen. I look at the ground while she flips through the pages of story's and drawings. Those were the drawings I needed to draw but could never glance at without an anxiety attack creeping up on me shortly after. Those were the story's of my time with those monsters.

She turns one of them to me. It's a sketch of the time idiot got out. That's my version of Teddy. I was punished severely for letting him out.

She continues to flip through. Page after page of the story of my pain, drawings alongside them.

She lifts her hand and almost considers touching me. Maybe to comfort me.

"I'm sorry," she says to me. I Motion for her to sit down when I notice how her hand is clutched against her chest as her breathing is labored.

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