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"I'm so sorry you had to see all that, I'm Umar" I was still shocked.
Slowly got up, "are you going to hurt me too?" "What! No! Please don't misunderstand, these guys just don't like my pretty face and were after me" he said running hi fingers through his hair, I just continued looking at him. "Are you on your way somewhere, I could give you a lift if you want" he pointed at his car.

"How do I know you're not going to kill me through this offer" "why don't you take a chance sweetheart , also if you miss this chance, you'll either have to walk a couple of hours because you won't find any transport here" "my name's not sweetheart, it's Haniya" "pretty name to a pretty face, maybe that's why they were after you" I gave a sarcastic laugh to his remark. 

Great just my luck, I either walk and get even more lost, or go with the man who shot the masked guys, "I'll take my chance, even though it's on a bad side right now" "Good thinking sweetheart" he winked and we made our way to his car. I was shocked to see a Mercedes-Benz S-Class, this is one of the cars I dreamed to drive one day. I had my driver's license, I just hadn't had the chance to drive.

I sat in the back passenger seat behind the driver, seeing me do that Umar gave me a look, "it's in case you try something, I could strangle you" "your funny" he said in a sarcastic tone. He got in the driver seat and started driving.

"So why were those guys after you, and why were in that area of all places?" Umar asked after a while. "Oh, I was trying to get to my family's house but the rickshaw broke down and then those guys came out of nowhere and chased me and rickshaw had left" I explained to him in short detail. "I see" after a short pause, "so where's your family's house" he asked, I decided to give him the address, but when I looked in my pockets I couldn't find it, great I must have dropped it when I was running, and my phone's dead, could this day get any better, I need to get somewhere, anywhere.

Should I just tell him my house address instead, I mean it's been almost 3 hours since I left he must've left. "What's wrong, you look hesitant" he asked looking through the front rear mirror, "to be honest, I was trying to go to my khala's house, but I don't know the address" I told him. "why don't I just drop you off at your home instead" "No!" I screamed making Umar brake, and us flying forward, "geez women, what's wrong with you, we could have died" "sorry, sorry, sorry" "now, tell me why can't you go home, did you run away or something, what about your parents, aren't they worried?" "Technically it's my mom's plan, she's the one who made me run away, basically this guy's at our house and he wants something from my family, mama said it was best if I left for a few days, because this guy's dangerous and all" "oh, if you want we could go to my brother, he can solve this issue of yours" "really?" "Yea, we'll go to him, I was on the phone with him when those guys showed up, he was mad though" "why?" I asked out no where, shocking myself "Oh, his bride ran away" "poor guy, who would do that" "yea, but please don't tell him I told you this" "sure" I wasn't like I was planning to anyways.

- time skip-    I felt a tap on my shoulder, I opened my eyes readjusting to the light, Umar was standing at the right side with the car door open, waiting for me to fully wake up. I think I ended up sleeping because of the AC on, this always happens when I'm in a car with the AC is on, there is a 90% of me falling asleep, not the best thing, it'd be the best thing for kidnappers. 

"You can get up now, we're here" Umar informed, as I got up and adjusted my hijab since it kinda slipped while I slept. "oh before you step out the car, is it alright if you wear this blindfold until we go in?" "maybe, first give me the reason of me wearing the blindfold" " oh bhai has this rule that people need to blindfolded so they don't know where they are coming and going, security reasons" "okay.. your brother's weird" I admitted taking the blindfold and tying the blindfold around my eyes, "say that to his face". Ignoring him I slowly got out of the car, maybe Umar's brother can help us me and my family with that guy that keeps baba mama worried.

Umar held the extra part of my shawl as he dragged me inside, for some reason, the environment felt similar even though I was blindfolded. "We're entering the living room" Umar kept telling me where we were turning. Just as what I presume as entering the living room, I heard a loud gasp. "Haniya" was that mama's voice, hearing my name I quickly untied my blindfold to see my parents quietly sitting on the couch, on the other couch was a very powerful looking man sitting. All of them looking at me. Umar also started looking at the man and then me, "everything alright bhai?" he asked the man sitting done, bhai? bhai? "did- did you just call him bhai?" I asked Umar as I pointed at the man. "yea, why? you know him" "he's the man I was trying to run away from" I whispered, as I saw my parents looking at me with disbelief and shock and the man held a relived look.

"Well done Umar you found my run away bride" the man said standing up and approaching us. Umar looked at him and then me, "HER?" "Yea" "no way" "now Umar, I need you to wait in the car, while I finish up business" he gave Umar a hard look and Umar gave a heavy sigh, he agreed and gave a sorry look before he left.

"Now back to business love, the imam is sitting in the other room, and we're getting married right now" he said looking straight at me. Of course I could have figured it out by now, the reason the imam is here, why mama told only me to run away, but I couldn't let him now that.

"No, I will not marry you" "are you sure about that" "yes, you can go ahead and do whatever you want but I. Will. Not. Marry. You" I said trying to sound as confident as I could. "Oh love, you're making a mistake, I will remove your father's debt if you marry me." "I will personally work and give you all that money back until I day I die but please I don't want to marry you" "fine, let's say if you want to make sure your family stays alive then marry me"

"wha- what?"

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