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Sensit¹ve topic ahead!

- Haniya -
The next morning, I was up after Fajr, partly because I was really excited and that training started at 6 in the morning, the girls were going to arrive home, then we would train until noon. I quickly showered and put on a pair of tracksuit.

"Be careful not to break any thing" Malik joked as he placed a kiss on my forehead, "I'll be in my study, okay" "okay" "see you love" he left our room, I was quickly tying my hair up when there was a knock on my door, I opened and saw Bijan, "Aslamoalkuim Bijan" "Walikumsalam, beta there are two girls looking for you, I just sitted them downstairs" "okay thanks Bijan, I'm going down."

I quickly ran downstairs, where I met the twins. "Let's see what you can do." Soon, we started training. They were easy on me today, probably since it was my first day.

By the end of my training session, it was half 12, and I was exhausted least to say. I couldn't stand anymore and ended up laying on the ground. "You did well for your first session. Have you taken training before?" Iman sat beside me, handing me a water bottle. "Not really, I have watched some self-defense classes if they count," Iman laughed at my response, and Aiman rolled her eyes.

"You're good for someone who has only watched videos." Aiman added. "Thank you," I responded. We were all sitting when the sudden question popped into my head, and before I could comprehend, I asked them out loud, "How did you start working for Malik?" Both the girls looked at each other. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Iman gave Aiman a look, to which Aiman nodded reluctantly.

"No, it's fine, we haven't told or talked to a lot of people, so -" Iman started talking, "it happened around 3 or 4 years ago. Aiman and I had lost our parents when we were young, we had no one else except each other, our other families wanted nothing to do with us, so they put us in an orphanage." I kept listening to them.

"Living in the orphanage wasn't as bad as we had imagined. It was pretty decent. We were treated like kids, and the takecares were also really nice to all of us. But one summer, after me and Aiman got to orphanage after playing all day, we saw some men shouting at our take carer,  we wanted to do something,  but instead we were brought inside. As the days went by, the old carers left one by one, and new ones came in, and these ones were a definition of cruel people. " she took a deep breath as she continued to speak.

"We thought they were going to be nice like our old carers, but they were monsters, often they would skip our food, we would be forced to do labour and some of us-" Iman paused, and Aiman looking at her sister continued, "some of us were sold, more specifically our organs were sold on the black markets. The older kids had to do their dirty work, go out and steal and kill, and the older girls, they would be harassed, groped, and all sort of horrible things. Many children who tried to escape were often shot because they would never escape successfully." I nodded as I listened to them.

"One day, me and Iman were able to go out since Iman had gotten really sick, and I had managed to convince the carers to let us go to the hospital." "They only let us go because you started rampaging the place, and they were scared of you," Iman added. "We had manged to escape this way, i told Iman to go the hospital, where we could get her checked up first and get help, but she was stubborn,  she said we needed to leave a good distant. It was a good idea.

So we had managed to save the money we had gotten from our old carers and got a bus ticket to Karachi. Our ride from Lahor wasn't as bad as we had expected. We were happy we arrived in one piece and alive. Of course, that's not the only thing to worry about. We were in a new city with a little bit of money, some old belongings, and nowhere to stay. We headed to a small restaurant where we spent most of the day thinking about what to do next, we honestly thought we weren't going to survive the next day. We managed to survive the night in Karachi, and the next day, we found another restaurant that needed waitresses, we needed a job to live and money to get Iman checked up. I asked the owner, but he was a big creep. He kept giving me dirty looks. I felt disgusted by him that I injured him." "You stabbed him in the eye with a fork." Iman added again. I looked at Aiman. She just shrugged her shoulders, "he was looking at me." "What happened next?" "Right. We had to run because the creep had his friends chase us to teach us a lesson. We kept running for 2 hours until he ended up in an abandoned building. We hid around the house until we heard gun shots, and suddenly, it went quiet. Iman was scared, but we decided to get out of the place. We were about to escape when we bumped into a little boy. " "He  wasn't a little boy, he was almost 18 or 19, i can't remember, but younger than us." Iman interrupted again. "Iman, one more time, I swear." "Okay, I'll be quiet." Iman replied, holding her hand up.

"Anyways, we bumped into him. He watched as we passed him, trying to get out of the creepy place. When the men chasing us enterted yhe building as well. We were pretty much trapped. One side was the young boy, and the other side was the men. We didn't have much option, at the same time Iman fell unconscious, I caught her before she fell down. The biy approched us, and looked between us and the men. He looked straight at the men and asked why this was chasing us. When they told him what I did to that werido, he was shocked, he looked in my direction, as if he couldn't believe i had done that.

The men said they won't let me go, but at the same time, the boy said he won't let the men touch us, or else they would have to face him. At first, the men thought he was bluffing. But when they started approaching us, he shot one of the giys right where he was standing. He was sfe my a inch. They probably wet them selves, because in a second, they all left.

He helped me be Iman to the hospital and even paid for her hospital fee. When he found out how we got here, he recruited us. We work at his office part-time, and also in his group work." She finished telling.

"So what's the group work?" I curiously asked. "It's -" Iman satrted before Aiman cut her and nodded her head in disapproval. "Maybe another time. We have to get back to work." Aiman held Iman's hand and dragged her out. "We'll see you next time." She waved, leaving. I noticed they didn't want me to know whatever their group worked with.

I decided to take a shower and pray before dinner. I had finished all my tasks and work, and one thing still didn't leave my mind, what kind of work does Malik do, I know he's a Mafia leader, buy aren't they mostly bad, cruel and do all types of horrible things. Does Malik do these kinds of things?

I wanted to ask him, but I wasn't sure how to? Asking Iman and Aiman won't be thar helpful since they weren't walking about it much now. Should I ask Mehr? But what are the chances she'll tell me.

I decided to ask Mehr the next time she would be around. I headed down to dinner when I saw Malik stomping down stairs, he looked as if someone did something wrong. "Everything okay, Malik?" "Everything's fine." He said, walking towards the living room. "So why are you sulking, as if someone stole your favorite toy." That caught his attention. He looked towards me, "I'm not sulking." "Then what's wrong?" "Nothing my love, Mehr and Umar will join us for dinner." "Oh. Are you mad at them coming over?" "No, of course not. Nothing else." "Oh okay, I'll tell Bijan."He nodded and walked towards the kitchen preparing for dinner.

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