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- Malik -

I had gone to visit Mahad. He was the first person after Haniya to know that I'm alive. I was going to meet him at his place for evidence he had found.

"Bhai, we finally meet in person." he said, hugging me. "and I thought it was some prank call when you first called me." he said. "Well, now you know." I said as we walked into the living room.

"Did Haniya bhabhi find any clues?" he asked. "she did find something, but she said she lost it." I told him. "she did well, dealing with Ali for so long." he complimented. "she is my wife." I added. I was proud of her. She managed to carry herself when she found out about my death.

"It was really obvious Haniya bhabi really showed that she was your wife. She made the plans flawlessly. Bhai, you should consider having her on with missions with us." Mahad added. "She can plan well, but that doesn't mean I'll have her on dangerous missions,  I'll have in a safe place where I know no harm will reach her." I replied.

The next few hours, we focused on finding out any information on Ali Shah, any slip ups he might have made up during the years. 

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"Bhai, all and any information I found out in these past hours is that he is a quite charitable person, otherwise a quiet and cold person." Mahad said, sitting down in front of me, as he handed me a file of all the information he had gathered.

"This looks good, but this also tells us absolutely nothing about him." I said, glimpsing through the file.

We were about to think of what to do when my phone rang. "Aslamoalikum Umar, Everything okay?" I got worried over his call, Umar and Mehr had gone into hiding after some of Ali's people were chasing them. 

"Bhai, Bhai. Mehr, she's gone." He huffed on the phone. "What do you mean she's gone." Umar sounded like he was crying. "Umar, don't worry, Mahad, and I'll get to your location." I said, getting up and wearing my jacket. Mahad heard and got up to, getting ready to leave.

In the next thirty minutes, we arrived at Umar's location, it was a small house, between many other houses. "Umar, where is my sister?" I asked as soon as I entered the house. Umar himself was on the ground, his face puffed up like he had been crying for hours. 

"I don- don't know, bhai, she was here before I went to get some food for dinner, but when I came back, I couldn't find her. I checked in the neighborhood, too, but no one has seen her." I brushed my hair back in frustration.

"Did you find any clues and signs of kidnapping in the house?" I quickly asked. "None, except main the front door being open, nothing except that though." he replied.  "I shouldn't have left, I should have stayed with her, I'm an irresponsible husband, I couldn't even protect my wife. What am I going to do now? How will I will without her?" Umar started crying again, repeating it again and again.

Thinking of what might have happened to my sister, I felt like punching someone. "Don't worry, Umar, we'll find out who took Mehr and teach them a lesson. Hopefully, she had gone on a walk and will come back soon." I said, trying to sooth Umar's worry.

Mahad had an idea. He said that we should check the CCTV on the street for clues. After successfully retrieving the recordings, We looked through them. The last clip recorded on the CCTV was Umar living the house. There weren't any recent ones except that one.

"Someone definitely tampered with the CCTV," Mahad commented, looking at the recordings, rewinding  and looking for any clues.

"But that doesn't give us any other clues of what could have happened here." I replied in frustration.

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