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- Malik -
Thinking about Zain's words, I felt bad for what I had done to Haniya,  I could have just gone to her family and asked her hand in marriage, but something in me knew her family would never let me marry her. After marrying her and bringing her here, she's made herself comfortable with Mehr and especially Dua. Dua was the quietest little girl I had met, and I was surprised when she called Haniya 'Api'.

But then Haniya is so affectionate and loving, I chuckled thinking about her. I thought about the first time we had meet-

- flashback -
- 2 years ago -
I was on my way to meet Ami our favorite picnic place after I had joined the company. I had decided to buy flowers kn my way since mama enjoys having different flowers. I headed to the bouquet shop, and was stunned, there were too many different flower bouquets, and I didn't know which one to get Ami.

I wasn't sure which flowers she liked at all which made it harder then it already was, all flowers look alike, they're just different colors. I was reaching out for thr roses when I heard someone

"Not roses, I repeat not roses" I stopped and turned to see who had said that to me only to see a beautiful young girl looking at the girl a few meters away from me also picking up a bouquet. The girl was wearing a baby blue hijab and had covered herself in a shawl, "and why not?" The other girl asked.

"Because everyone goes for roses" as she said that she was me looking at her, she gave me and awkward smile and smiled back, "well Hani, quickly pick one, because we're getting late to go meet khala" "okay okay, but let me choose the perfect one, you know khala is like our mother, let me choose the perfect one" she had reached out for a bouquet, "this one looks nice" she said looking at the bouquet she had picked out, it was a bouquet of different pick and white flowers, smiling she handed to the other girl.

While the other girl went up to pay, I went back to struggling to pick a bouquet, I would puck one up and then another and then out them both down because this was too hard. "I think you should go for this one" she pointed at a bouquet a bit further away. I looked up to her smiling, her smile felt so contagious and beautiful, and her dimple showing made it all the more breathtaking. I picked up the bouquet she had pointed at, it had purple and white flowers and looked beautiful. "Thanks" "no probs 'gutaussehend'" she smiled and made her way out the shop with her friend.

Gutaussehend? What the hell did that mean.

I looked at my watch to realize it was getting late and ammi must be waiting for me. I quickly paid and decided to take the short cut to the park, but on my way I saw 2 girls at the corner, struggling and a few guys surrounding them. I went up closer to see the girls from earlier.

One of the guys had grabbed her friends bag, but she grabbed it back and kept tugging on it until she had it again. I approached them to help them. One of the guys saw me approaching them and held her, 'how dare he', "let her go" I said but they didn't listen, her friend tried reaching for her but they pushed her aside. 'They never listen'

One by one all of them were on the ground, hurt, bleeding but sadly breathing. "Now let her go" but he was still holding it on to her. "I'll let you go in one piece, so leave while you still have a chance" they guy wasn't saying anything, but he was afraid and you could see it in his eyes, I could see his gripped harder on her arm as she winced in pain, but she wasn't crying, not yet at least.

This isn't getting any easier. "I'll let her go, after you move back a couple of spaces" I slowly moved back, but suddenly she stepped on the guys foot, she managed to escape his hold. Once she fell back away from him, he ran the opposite direction.

"Hey, are you okay" I asked her, "I'm fine but- ahh" she gripped her arm, something pierced her arm causing it to bleed. "Hani are you okay?" Her friend tried looking at her scar. "Don't worry Isha, it's a little scar" she aid to the girl, "I think it's best if we get it checked out" they both looked at me. "No no, it's fine, thanks for all your help, we'll be on our way" "we're only 5 minutes away form the park, I'm meeting up someone, she could help your scar" I said in a more stern tone. "Fine, let's go Isha, if khala sees this she'll worry for no reason" they both agreed and came with me.

When we got to the park, I told ammi about the girls and all the events that had taken place. The girls greeted ammi,.after ammi saw her scar, she got her first aid kit and started treating her wound, "don't worry dear, I always trend my husband's wounds, there's not one day he comes home without wounds, so you can kind of call me an expert" ammi joked, "of course aunty" she smiled back. "So dear what is your name" "Haniya" "such a beautiful name, and is she your sister?" "Cousin actually" "Mashallah, you both are beautiful" "JazakAllah aunty" "Are you girls from around here?" "My cousin is, I'm here to visit" "I see, I see, where are you from" "oh a small place in Europe, Ireland" "oh I've heard of it, while my son went to study in England, he had told me of that place" she looked at me, when ammi pointed towards me

Once ammi was done, the girls bid their farewells and made their way.

"She's pretty, isn't she" "pretty isn't a strong enough word to describe her beauty ammi" I was so lost in her I didn't even comprehend what I saw saying"

- end flashback -

After that day, I would try each and everyday trying to find out more about her, the only person who knew of this was Zain and that too was because he could help me find out more about her. It was wrong of me, but everyday, I would want to know more about her, I would want to see her again, want to make her mine. 'And now alhumdulillah, she is all mine, at my home with my name' I smiled acknowledging that wonderful fact.

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