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- Malik -

It has been 48 hours since that phone call, Mahad and I tried everything, trying to look for any clue, any loophole, any miss ups, but nothing. I was growing impatient by the second, but we weren't getting anywhere. After leaving Sama's house, we went over to Mahad's apartment since we would be able to investigate more easily.

"Bhai, you should eat something." Mahad said for the tenth time, putting a plate of food in front of me. "I'll eat in a bit." I said, going back to my work. The only thing I needed to do right now is to look for my family, and until I didn't find them, I won't rest.

It was almost half eight, and instead of working, the only other thing I was doing was praying and back to work. We were both in the middle of working when the doorbell rang.

We both looked at each other. "We're you expecting someone?" I asked. "No, but it might be the neighbor next door." Mahad got up and walked outside the living room. I was working when the last person I expected stood in front of me.

Zain stood behind him, looking serious. I got mad, standing up. I looked at them, "Is this some type of joke? What are you doing here? Zain, did you bring him here? Are you with him?" I asked, walking up to him.

"Mr. Malik, stop whining for a minute, and" before he could finish his sentence, my fist had cut his words off as he fell back. I was pounce on him when Mahad and Zain both caught me. They were holding me back when he tried sitting up, rubbing the blood off his lip.

"I know you're mad, but you need to listen, Malik." Zain said as he let go and helped Ali get up. "Thanks, Zain, but I guess I deserve that punch." Ali said, straightening his shirt. I didn't understand what was happening.

"If him being here doesn't have a good enough reason, I'm going to murder you, Zain." I said, sitting down. The three of them looked at each other, and slowly, Ali and Zain sat down.

"First of all, Zain wouldn't betray you, I was trying to find you, but you kept hiding, and that made it hard to track you." He said. "And is there a reason you were tracking me?" I asked.

"Yes." He responded. All of us were quiet, holding our breath. "I know what happened to you, family, where your wife is." He said.

We all looked at them shocked. Zain looked surprised, too. I was the first to break the silence. "And why would you help me? How do I this isn't a trap." I asked, suspicious.

"I know our terms were never well, but I can assure you I'm not doing it for my benefit." He spoke. "I can't believe the person who has attacked us numerous times."

"Listen, they were all a misunderstanding and mistake." He said. "What do you mean?" Zain asked this time. Ali looked hesitant, and he took a deep breath, "I really don't know why I'm doing this?" He chuckled to himself. 

"I'll tell you this from the start. This all happened before your first mission, Malik. It was almost a year before that. You had a new driver. He was in and out most of your childhood, but then he worked full-time at that time. The truth was, that driver was sent with a mission, a mission to wipe you and your family." "Ali uncle was a spy? From who?" I asked doubtfully and shocked.

"He was sent by my grandfather." he said quietly. At that moment, I couldn't understand anything. What did his grandfather have to do with this. 

"I know you're confused, but you need to listen to me to understand this." Ali said. I took a breath and nodded for him to continue. "He started working full time, noting everything about you guys, your school, what times you went, your other family, business partners. He knew everything. 

Many times later, grandfather would try to get information out of him, but he wouldn't say anything. He didn't have any information to give or would avoid grandfather. You could say he had a change of heart, once he found out that grandfather was doing this to wipe out your family for business reasons, he felt that was brutal and harsh and wouldn't agree to him

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