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- Haniya -

We slowly walked to our area where Dua and Asfa had set up the picnic, and it was under a tree that provided enough shadow. It was near a pretty river and bridge to cross, and later, we could take a walk since there are a few shops nearby.

"You planned all this bhabi?" Umar asked as we all sat down in a circle, "yea, but Bijan was the main one who helped me make all this. " Everyone started passing out the rolls and lunch I had made with Bijan. "Why didn't bijan come?" "I'm not sure Mehr, she said she perfers satying home."

"This food is so good, Api," Dua complimented, "especially the cake pops you made," Mehr added. "You should try api's other dishes. She used to make them with Mama, and they used to be so tasty, " Taha said. "What do you think, Malik?" I asked, leaning towards him. " To be honest, these are alright." "Oh." I guess he didn't really like them, I was hoping he would like them.

After finishing up, I volunteered to clean up, and Malik soon joined without saying much. The girls decided to go from a little walk while the guys were playing football.

"You know love -" I hummed and looked up at him, "the food was delectable." "REALLY!" "Yes, it was, " he said as he finished putting the picnic blanket in the basket. "So why didn't you say that at the start?" "Oh- i." "Oh, I what?" "I didn't want to admit it in front of everyone." "Why? Mr Mafia can't compliment his wife?" "No that's not it." "Right, I'm going to go walk with the girls."

Before he could say something, I ran towards the girls who were walking around.

We spent most of the afternoon and evening walking and playing around. I was even surprised to see Malik playing football with Umar and Taha, and it looked like Taha was enjoying playing with him. I smiled at the thought that he was making an effort trying to get along with my siblings. Now I just need to try and talk to Asfa and see why she's so stubborn and dislikes Malik.

"We should get going now. It's almost sunset." Taha and Umar shout out, getting our attention.
We all started walking towards the car when Mehr started pointing somewhere. "Api, for you smell that?" I smelled something sweet and tasty, I looked around to the few shops and bakeries a few meters away from us. "I think it's coming from one of the bakeries there."Let's check it out" "sure" I saw Taha running across, "Taha, tell Malik and Umar that we're just stopping by the bakery and will be right back" he nodded and ran towards the car and we walked towards the bakeries and shops.

We walked towards the bakery with the aroma. The shop looked like a little cozy shop, and the food on the display window looked so tasty. We both walked into the bakery, the smell of cakes and sweet desserts hitting our noses, the aroma so filling, "we need to get at least one of everything" Mehr said looking at all the desserts available. "Sure, let's look around first, though."

As we looked around the tasty looking dessert options, we went for strawberry and chocolate pasties and different flavor macaroons.

After getting them packed and paying for them, we thanked the old couple who owned the bakery and made our way out. We started walking back to where we remembered the cars being parked when, "api, I think we're going the wrong way" we stopped to look around, everything was darker and we both didn't know where we were headed. "Shoud we go back?" I suggested. "Yea, but all the lights went off, so where do we go back?" I agreed with Mehr. It was darker, and we had walked so long we were lost and didn't know where we were.

I took out my phone, but I wasn't getting any signals, "that's weird, I'm not getting any signals here" I showed Mehr my phone, she also took out her phone and showed me, she also didn't have signals. We ended up deciding to retrace the steps we took, and maybe we could eventually get back to where we started.

After what felt like half an hour of walked, we walked out another path. This time, it looked like some abandoned town. "Api, we shouldn't be here." I raised my eyebrows, and she looked around her now pale face. "This is one of the scariest areas here. We need to get out of here and fast." The looks of the area, it did look scary, and it looked like multiple murders could have been done here. I started speed walking with Mehr, as we made many turns, but we would still be lost. We had walked a little further when I noticed the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Something didn't feel right.

I quickly clasped onto Mehr's hand, and with the other hand, I used my phone reflection to see around me. It was a little difficult since it was really dark, but I was able to make out things. I was looking around when I kept seeing a man, walking a little behind us. I couldn't act too suspicious, or he could catch on. A side of me was also hoping he was just walking by and would have nothing to do with us.

I had indirectly told Mehr to be ready to run in case. We had walked for a while and noticed the man was still following us, we had taken many absurd lefts and rights that could have made us lose even more. We continued walking and took one more right now, but who knew this would be the wrong turn? As we walked this path, we saw the dead end in front of us. The path finished and led us up to a brick wall, rather tall that climbing wouldn't be a solution.

As we turned around, hoping the man was gone and we could just take another turn and get out of here, but clearly luck wasn't on our side.

The man came into a more visible view. His face had multiple scars and had a piercing on his nose, his greasy hair. His intentions didn't look right. As the man started coming even closer, making our atmosphere around us creepier and terrifying.

"She said to get you two, but she didn't tell us who beautiful you too were," he snarled in his squeaky voice. "I can't just leave two beauties like this," he said, approached us, and I had to do something. I quickly pushed Mehr behind me as we started walking backward, closing into the corner of the wall. 

"I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong people, we won't mind, just please let us go?" I tried reasoning, key word 'tried', which was kind of stupid, since he didn't look like the kind to just listen to my plea and let go.

"And why would I do that, I was paid to get you two, which to be honest was impossible until you two walked out yourselves, and all I have to do is finish you, but of course I'll do it after I have some fun, and she said it would be hard getting Malik's gems." The man suddenly lunged forward, grabbing my arm, trying to bring me closer to him. Mehr watched, holding my other hand and trying to stop herself from crying, "Mehr, run, I'll be behind you," I shouted. She wasn't ready to let go. All of a sudden, the man, with his other free hand, ripped away my dupatta, making me feel more exposed. I need to be stronger and at least get Mehr out of here. Out of a corner of my eye, I saw a stone sticking out of the wall. It looked loose enough to pull out. The man's hand started going up my shoulder, and at the moment, the move was fast. I grabbed the stone, and thankfully, it was a loose stone. I quickly pulled it and hit the man on the head, buying me enough time to get out of the man's grip and take Mehrs hand. I started sprinting as fast as I could, running hopefully the direction we came from and hoping we could get out of here.

We kept running and running, and it felt like we were never going to get out of this maze.

After what felt like hours of running, we found a tree in a far place, away from where we were before. I was breathing heavily, trying to put aside all these events and cry over them if I got out of here safely.

Mehr was shaken up herself, I needed to get her out of here too, safely, but I can't do much. I barely made it away from that man in the alleyway.

We had found a big tree that was quite a distance away from where we were before. We were lost and had no idea how to get back. I felt like breaking down any moment, I felt exposed without my dupatta or shawl. We ended up deciding to stay there for a bit until we figured out something.

"Api, what do we do now?" "Mehr, I have no idea beta, we'll just have to be careful for now."
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Any part that sticks out?👀

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