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- Haniya -
The day after, I finished cleaning the house. Even though Malik kept telling me not to, I felt so bored. He wasn't even t home these days since he started giving more time to the company now. I felt like my mom at times, I always wondered how she managed to clean all the time. I would rather clean and organize something than sit down and watch a show.

I picked up a few dirty towels I had brought to the laundry room, I was passing the kitchen when I overheard Bijan talking to someone. I thought she walked and talked to someone on the phone. As I passed her, I heard something that caught my attention. "No, she's alive. I know. I thought you said you would get her. Are you sure? No, he hasn't expected anything. Let's keep low for now." She finished saying and put her phone down. On cue, I walked into the kitchen, pretending like I hadn't just overheard her conversation.

"Haniya beta, what are you doing? You should be resting." She said, taking the dirty towels from me. "Don't worry, Bijan, I felt bored not doing anything." "Oh dear, go sit down, I'll make something for you to eat." She offered. "I'm good, bijan. I had a big breakfast because of Malik. But when is Dua coming home?" I said, glancing at the clock on the kitchen wall. "I'm not sure beta, she says her college is almost ending. She had some tasks to do for her class now." I nodded.

I excused myself and told Bijan I would go to my room, I decided I would sketch something since I haven't, and I was thinking of starting sewing my design. I was looking online for material and things. When I texted my attention, it was my best friend, she was coming to Pakistan. I quickly clicked in the text.
Laiba: Hey, just landed in Pakistan. Meet up soon?
Me: OFC:)

As soon as Laiba read my text, she called me. We ended up talking for an hour. "So let's grab lunch tomorrow at that restaurant I told you about before." She said, "Sure, I need to ask Malik." "Who's Malik?" "My husband." But as soon as I answered that, I heard a loud shout from her side. "When did you get married." "You want the deets now?" I asked her, knowing she would flip if she waited another minute without knowing what happened. "You know what, tell me tomorrow so I can beat you up for inviting me to your wedding." She said with a sly giggle at the end. "Okay, woman, just don't kill your only beat friend." "That depends on tomorrow. Now I have to go, Papa wants me to meet people." After our calls ended after our long goodbyes. I felt so excited about tomorrow.

I was skipping downstairs to get myself a glass of water when u heard someone giving out to someone. I followed the voice. It was coming from the garden, at a corner. It was Bijan again. She was talking on the phone. "No, of course she doesn't know. Yes, but I want them dead. You had one job and couldn't do that. I can't always come. They'll get suspicious of me. One last chance, they killed my son, and I won't forgive that." She said, and what I presumed cut the call, I slowly walked back to the kitchen.

I kept thinking of everything happening, ' I need to think to make sense. Bijan's son died while trying to protect Malik. After a few months, his parents were also killed. Ever since I came here, every time Bijan isn't there, something always keeps happening, like when we went to the beach, and the picnic and the house attack. She wasn't there for any of them.'

'It made sense, but at the same time, it wouldn't seem right. Nothing really happened between the time she started working here and when I arrived.' I was deep in thought, I didn't realize someone was standing behind me until I felt his arms gently wrap around my waist. "Good evening, love. Missed me?" He asked. I smiled, "No, I was doing great." I joked, he pouted. "Really?" He made a sad face. "I'm joking, I was bored." I replied, to which his face lit up again.

We walked to our room as he freshened up and waited for him. I told him about my friend was coming, he told me that I should go and maybe even invite her over some day. I was telling him about our time spent together, all the funny things we had done. After he was done, we headed down to have dinner since it was almost half 9 now.

"As much as I love having dinner with you, you should have had yours before. It's so late now." He said as I finished cleaning up and headed to our room. It's fine. It's the only time we can sit down and talk together. You go to the company in the week and your gang place over the weekend. You're a busy man." I said, brushing my hair. "I'd never be a busy man for you." "Promise?" "Promise my love." I smiled as I sat beside him.

"Malik, I need to talk about something important," I said, looking serious now, and now Malik could tell that too. "What's up, love?" "I know it's wrong since I have no proof, but I feel like..." I didn't know how to phases it. "Keep going Haniya, what's wrong?" "I think Bijan is suspicious." I finally said. "Suspicious? How?" He asked, sitting up.

"Well, today she was on the phone, and she was talking to someone about someone surviving, and they can't do one job. She had another call and talked about getting back for her son's death. And before when she was telling me about her son, she felt mad at you. Also, other times, whenever we had been attacked, she was never there." I breathed out. I looked at him, as he looked confused and also lost in thought.

"I don't think it's possible." He said. "I know, i know. I felt it hard to believe, too, but technically, her acts are there." I added, also doubtful, I only said it cause it was too much to be a coincidence every time.

I could see Malik lost in thought, and now I felt bad for telling him does. It only added to his worry, but I wanted him to at least know what was happening or what I had heard. "I'm sorry, I should have thought about it before I said it. You're probably worried now." I said, looking at him.

"Don't worry about it, why don't you sleep too. It's quite late." He said, turning around as he turned off his lamp and laying on his side. 'Was he mad at me?'I thought as I saw him turn to his side. I really regretted saying that now.

Sighing, I turned off my lamp as I turned to my side. I felt like it was my fault now, and Malik is now mad at me.

- Next morning -
I woke up before him, and after my morning routine, I headed down to make breakfast for us. I had finished making breakfast when he came down.

"Good moring." I smiled and said as he sat down, "good morning." He replied nonchalantly. 'Was he still mad at me? He always wishes good morning first.

As we started eating. He didn't talk to me like we did last night, or at other times, he just quietly ate. "Is it alright if I go to meet my friend later?" I asked, trying to break the ice. "You asked that last night." He replied, still focused on his food. "Yea, but I forgot your answer." "you can go, are you to drive, or do you want me to send a driver?" He asked, but before I could answer, he said it before me. "I'll send a driver. Just text me the time you want him to pick you up." He said, getting up and leaving.

I say there, looking at my half eaten plate, and suddenly I don't feel hungry anymore. I got up cleaning the table, and I decided to clean the kitchen before I left to meet Laiba.

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