Chapter 90

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Saad's pov:

"How is everything going on there? And when are you planning on coming back?" Mama asked me once we were done with the normal chit chat.

"Alhamdulillah everything's fine. But I don't know when we will be able to return. Atifa's exams are going on and-"

"Now you are going to wait for their exams to end before coming back here?" Before I could even complete my sentence, she interrupted me, sounding annoyed.

"Mama, they will be coming with me. So how can I leave them here and come back alone?" Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair, exasperated.

"Yeah, I remember. Anyways, it has been more than two weeks since you left? Isn't it going to affect your work?" Thankfully changing the subject, she asked me. I could even picture her raising her brow.

"Don't worry mama, it should be fine since I'm working online."

"But still…" Trailing off, she added, sounding concerned. "Anyways, how is Atifa's mom? Your baba was telling me her condition is getting worse day by day and the doctors can't do anything. Is her disease really incurable? I mean, I don't trust her so she might be just… faking it?"

"And why exactly would she do that?" Even though I knew she couldn't see me, I raised a brow.

"You know… to get you back?" She replied, uncertainty lacing her voice.

"Mama she left to get away from us, now why would she want to get me back suddenly?" I questioned, annoyed.

"She did get you married to her daughter out of nowhere, right? So she might even want to get you back suddenly, out of nowhere. She could do anything, you know…"

"Yeah, but not this. One can't fake a disease for so long mama. And even if she would have done that, at least the doctors would have told us, right?" Sometimes it was hard to deal with her. Even though she told me she did, it still felt like she hadn't really forgiven Atifa. Or forgotten about those things. And I didn't know how to deal with it.

"With her, you never know…"

"Where are baba and Alayna?" Ignoring her accusation, I inquired.

"They have gone out for a walk. Why would she do that though? I mean, why did she get you married to her daughter if she wanted them to leave in the end? Did you at least know the reason now?" I could hear her annoyance even on call.

"Some things are meant to remain personal mama, left in the dark for others." Because not everyone would be able to understand them or their point of view. Because not everyone would be able to understand their fears and tears. "And this is one of them. Don't think much about these things. Let the past remain in the past. And tell Alayna to call me once they are back. I have some work to do so I'll call you later, In Sha Allah."

Ending the call with mama, I opened the bedside drawer. Taking out the journal kept inside, I ran my fingers on the leather cover, entranced by it.

There were so many things in it. So many emotions enclosed in it. In just one book. No one would have thought how a journal could change someone's life. At least not me since I was not much of a reader. I hated reading books or novels. But I didn't know they could even change someone's way of thinking. I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but I did learn one thing and it was never to judge anyone. At least not without knowing their part of the story too.

"Saad!" Before I could even open it to read that entry again, the one that always left me dumbfounded, I heard Atifa's voice.

Quickly hiding the journal under my laptop, I looked up, just in time for her head to pop in. "Could you help me in the kitchen?" She had a guilty smile on her face.

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