Chapter 29

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Saad's pov :

My mind gave me signals that I was messing it up. That I shouldn't have said that to her. She wasn't at fault here. I was just annoyed at something else and taking it out on her. That I shouldn't have done this. I had to stop.

"I. Don't. Believe. You. You get that? You are a liar! You are lying! I can't believe I married a liar!" She said through gritted teeth in exasperation while pointing a finger at me. I turned to look at her and saw her eyes filled with unshed tears, which filled my heart with guilt and regret. What had she even done to get this?

"I told you, you don't have to believe me. I don't even expect you to believe me. Actually I don't even know why am I even telling you all this when it doesn't even matter to you or anyone. Just leave it." I replied in a tired voice. As I glanced at her once again, my gaze softened when I saw her crying. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry or anything. Please don't cry." I added, standing up and moving towards her.

She stood up, wiping her tears furiously while halting me in my steps by showing me her hand. "Stop! Stop right there. Don't come near me. I-" Pausing, she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "I will prove you wrong. This... This accusation which you made, I can't... I just can't stay in the same room as you anymore. At least not until I prove you wrong and you apologise." She continued, and before I could say anything, she rushed out of the room, making me sigh.

I went back to the couch and slumped on it. Rubbing my fingers on my forehead, I thought about this new mess, which was obviously created by me. What was even the need to tell her all that? I shouldn't have done that. I managed to hurt her even more now.

Closing my eyes shut, I tried to calm my racing thoughts. Ya Allah help me please! I didn't know what to do now. What had I done? Why did I have to open that chapter now? Now of all the times? I knew that she would have gotten to know about it someday anyway, but I just ruined her day. She brought cake for me and was probably just worried for me, the reason why she kept asking me questions, but what did I do? I just exploded on her. God!

Suddenly, I heard ammi's roaring voice. God, what was happening downstairs? I rushed out of the room before running downstairs. I just hoped that everything was alright.


I returned from Zuhr salah only to be stopped by ammi before I could head upstairs. She seemed worried, her eyes and actions conveying the message which she tried to hide by her stoic expression and calm voice. "Saad!... Can you go and check up on Atifa? She hasn't returned yet. And... It's getting late." She told me, her eyes travelling to the wall clock before coming back at me.

Even I got worried at that. Where did she go and for this long? Was she alright? Did she get hurt or something? I hoped that she was alright. Ya Allah, please keep her safe. "Take Amira and Alayna with you to the park. She must be there." She added, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Nodding my head, I replied, worry evident in my voice. "Okay. I'm taking them." Rushing past her, I went upstairs into Amira's room. "Come on, we are going to the park now."

"Now?" Amira asked incredulously, uncertainty clear in her voice as she paused doing whatever she was doing.

"Yeah, now. Why? Is there a problem?" I asked, confused at her behaviour as I tapped my foot on the floor, waiting impatiently for them to get ready and join me.

"No but ammi..." She trailed off, her gaze flickering away.

"It's okay, I asked her." I replied when I saw how hesitated she was. Alayna dusted off imaginary dust from her clothes before coming to stand beside me.

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