Chapter 4

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Saad's pov :

The mobile rang once again making me groan and I sat up rubbing my eyes. Picking up my mobile, I realised it was mama's call. Accepting the call, I leaned back on the headboard of my bed and glanced at Alayna once. She was still sleeping peacefully tempting me to sleep once again.

"Assalamualikum Saad. Where were you? Why weren't you picking up my calls? How are you both? Are you guys alright?" She shot her questions one after the other, worry evident in her voice.

"Walikumussalam mama. Alhamdulillah we are fine. We were sleeping mama. Alayna is still sleeping." I replied in a sleepy voice stifling a yawn.

"Oh! I got worried for a while." She replied relieved. "Anyways! I actually got a proposal for you. The girl is beautiful, she is-" She started enthusiastically making me internally groan. What a way to start my day!

"Mamaaa!" I finally groaned cutting her sentence. "Bhai got married just last year, give me a break!" I told her annoyed.

"Well yeah, he got married last year but you are remaining. And let me at least find a girl for you, you can get married later on." She replied stubbornly.

"Later on? How much time does this later on of yours is going to give me?" I asked her, already knowing the answer.

"Six months. Isn't that enough for you to get used to the idea of living with a girl?" Here comes her expected reply.

"Mama, no. It isn't enough. I'm not ready for marriage yet. And I'm not getting married anytime soon. So no more arguments on this topic." I squeezed my eyes shut before replying sternly in a finalised tone. My sleep long gone now.

"Yeah, go on. Start disobeying your mama. The one who brought you in this world and who raised you up." Once again she started saying, trying to emotionally blackmail me. I already knew this was coming. This has become her tactic to try and make me agree to her decisions.

"Mama." I warned her sternly. "You already know this won't work on me. You have already tried this several times. You remember that don't you?" I asked her, amused at her antics now.

I could hear her huffing from the other side making me suppress my chuckle. I don't want to become a victim of one of her lectures once again today. One lecture a day is enough for the whole day. "Alright, fine! But this isn't over yet. Come back home and we will see." I could hear the eagerness in her voice making me suspicious.

"This is over mama. Anyways, how are you and baba?" Not wanting to argue with her more, I tried to change the topic while getting off the bed and walking towards the window. Slits of sunlight entered the room through the blinds.

"We are fine alhamdulillah. This house really feels quiet and lonely without you both. Come back soon, we miss you." Mama said, getting emotional now.

"Don't worry mama, we will be back soon. Just pray for my work to be completed soon and for our safety." I replied, now playing with the border of the blind while looking down deep in my thoughts. Thinking about what mama just said.

The stirring on the bed brought me out of my thoughts. I turned around only to see Alayna waking up, rubbing her eyes. I realised mama was saying something but I wasn't sure what. Alayna sat up on the bed and squinted her eyes towards me giving me the perfect opportunity to hand over the call to her.

Smiling slightly, I made my way towards her, "Mama, Here talk to Alayna. She just woke up." Saying that I handed the phone to Alayna. "It's mama." I whispered making her smile sleepily as she grabbed the phone and brought it to her ears.

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