Chapter 3

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Atifa's pov :

"I missed you so much bhai. Where were you? You know, I even got hurt but Amira and Atifa api helped me." Alayna's bubbly voice brought me out of my thoughts. She was talking to that man, which I just realised was her brother. But the question still remains, where did he come from? How did he know that she was here?

I just wanted to disappear from here because I don't go infront of non-mehrams. But I can't just turn around and go without being noticed. I wish the earth would swallow me to save me from this awkward moment. Actually I shouldn't even be thinking like this, instead of that, I should just ask him where did he come here from and how did he get to know that his sister was here. And also maybe, give him a lecture on how to take care of kids and not to leave them alone just like that.

"Assalamualikum." A smooth deep voice brought me out of my raging thoughts. I glanced at him to see him looking at me. As soon as he noticed my gaze, he looked down making me turn my gaze away too.

Only the first look is allowed in Islam. Not more than that. I reminded myself of this hadees while looking away. In today's world, it is getting hard to lower our gazes. But if we try enough we will surely succeed, In Shaa Allah. And what will we even do by watching them more than once? I mean there is no need for that as far as I think.

"Walikumussalam." Instead of a strong and firm reply, my voice came out like a soft whisper which I wasn't even sure if he heard.

"Uh, Jazak Allahu Khairan for helping my sister. It really means a lot." He told me, I guess he actually did hear my response. But anyways, that doesn't matter right now.

"Wa Antum Fa Jazak Allahu Khairan... How... Did you come in here?" I asked him with furrowed eyebrows, still confused.

"You don't know?" He questioned while frowning. What does he mean by I don't know? How can I even know? Like what is he even saying? My already confused mind just got more jumbled up. What is even going on here?

Before I could reply him or contemplate anything else, I saw Ammi coming in the room through another doorway. "Assalamualikum Ammi." I greeted her still confused.

"Walikumussalam Atifa, I see you guys already met. That's nice." Ammi replied with a smile making me more confused. She knows him? She brought him here? And she was smiling? I mean that was a good thing Alhamdulillah but it still doesn't add up or answer any of my questions. Ya Allah please help me!

"Yeah, I brought him here." She informed me, maybe after watching the confusion clear on my face.

"Oh... Okay, I will just go and set the lunch up." I mumbled awkwardly, turned around and rushed towards the kitchen. I was so engrossed in reading and playing with the kids that I didn't even realise it was past four already.

Now my thoughts of giving him a lecture was replaced by my new confusion. Trying to distract myself, I started doing dhikr while heating up the food.

I shouldn't be thinking that much because I'm sure I will get the answers to my questions soon. At least I hope so. After heating the food and setting up the table I took out two cakes and cut them into slices, thankful that I decided to bake something today. Two cakes were still in the fridge. After setting up the cakes on a platter, I kept it aside. Amira came in the kitchen, a silly grin adorning her face.

"What happened? And where is Alayna?" I asked her with a frown.

"Nothing and she is sitting with bhai." She replied hopping around happily. "Ammi was asking if the table is set." And before I could ask her anything else, she questioned me quickly.

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