Chapter 23

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Saad's pov :

I woke up choking, unable to breath. Nor could I see anything, everything was dark and it seemed like someone was pushing something on me, on my face. I struggled to free myself. I tried to move my head around but couldn't do that. My mind was hazy, my breath was getting shorter. I moved my hands around, trying to push the thing which was being pushed on my face.

"Help! Someone came into my room. It's an intruder. Help!" A voice shouted, making me confused. Ya Allah! Not again! Furious, before she could shout more, I covered her mouth with my hand. Holding her with the other hand, I rolled us around and the pillow loosened, giving me space to finally breath. I moved my head back and tried taking deep breaths. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to calm my racing heart beat.

Not removing my hand from her face, I turned on the bedside lamp. Her eyes snapped to look at me as I glared at her furiously. Her hairs devilished as she struggled to free herself from my grip before stilling completely when she saw me. Her chocolate brown eyes were wide, still in shock. Her lips were slightly parted under my hand as she stared at me. She looked so scared that for a moment I just felt like...

What? No, I should be concentrating on the matter at hand, not thinking about how beautiful she was looking. She frowned as she saw me. Forget about her beauty, is this girl for real? Does she not remember me?

"This is the second time within twenty four hours that you deemed me as a kidnapper or an intruder. Do I look like one or are you just trying to get on my nerves? Or better, you had a memory loss and can't actually remember me?" Taking a deep breath and clenching my jaw I uttered furiously as I removed my hand and sat up.

"Oh, so it wasn't actually a dream." That was all she could get out in a low voice.

My gaze snapped to her again as I continued to glare at her furiously. "Are you serious right now?" I asked her through clenched jaw. I couldn't even believe this girl right now! Ya Allah, give me patience to deal with this woman here!


I was sleepy after fajr but couldn't sleep well. I kept waking up every once in a while, scared of the girl sleeping beside me. I didn't trust her. She has already tried to kill me and I couldn't take the risk again.

Finally after tossing and turning for a while, and managing to get half sleep, I decided it's just better to stay awake. I could sleep early at night. Getting freshened up, I searched for my clothes. They were in my bag, it must have been somewhere around here. After Isha yesterday, I went to my hotel room with bhai and brought our stuff here after checking out from that hotel.

Frowning, I thought about where I must have left it yesterday. I found it on the floor beside the couch, leaning on it. Grabbing it, I was about to stand up when my eyes caught something. It was a gift bag kept beside the table, behind the couch.

Squinting my eyes at it, I grabbed it before standing up and placing it on the table. I took a peek in it and immediately the sweet aroma of the cake hit my nose made me realise how hungry I was. My stomach growled, as if sensing that I found something to quench its hunger. Hoping it didn't belong to anyone, I sat on the couch comfortably, crossing one leg over the other, before opening the box and taking a big piece out of it.

I devoured it without any care before realising we still have some cake left and I could share it with others too. I would have finished it myself but I still had to do breakfast and I didn't want to skip it which might raise questions from others.

Keeping aside the box, I took out my clothes before heading to have a long relaxing shower.


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