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Who knew following your brother around to every corner of the Earth could be so enjoyable? Sure, Camila had been very close to strangling Lewis at many points in the last few months (no siblings should spend that much time together), but she was having fun. She had been exploring every city with Lily, shopping with Carmen and Charlotte, going dancing with Kelly, and doing karaoke with Heidi. WAGs certainly knew how to have fun, that was for sure. It was nice for Camila to finally get away from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood and actually enjoy herself, let loose for a little bit. People still recognized her, but there weren't cameras around every corner. 

She had made new friends, and gotten closer to others. Lily and Camila were now thick as thieves, and she had become better friends with Carmen and Charlotte. She had even been added to the WAG group chat as an 'honorary WAG' since she was at every race anyways. Camila missed her best friends though, she hadn't been spending nearly as much time with Bella, Georgina, or Taylor. At least she had been able to fly out Bella, Georgina, and Cristiano for the Spanish Grand Prix in Barcelona. The four had met up with Antonella and Lionel for dinner, which had been slightly awkward for Camila, considering Leo was such good friends with Neymar. But the awkwardness was forgotten once they got talking. They had always gotten along really well. She also loved Antonella, when they had both been dating Barcelona players, they had been inseparable, sitting together at games and events. It was nice to catch up with old friends.

The All Too Well Short Film was also out of the editing stage, at long last, it was a finished product. Taylor had sent it over to Camila a few weeks ago, and it was perfect. The ambiance, the acting, the location, it captured the beauty of Taylor's song perfectly. Now, they just had to sit on it until November when Taylor would be dropping the Red rerecords and the short film along with them. Camila was beyond excited for this new era of Taylor, she was writing more than ever, she was recording all the time, but for herself now. Not because a label was telling her to, but because she wanted to.

Camila's new show The Queen's Gambit had also dropped on Netflix, to insanely good reactions. It was already being called the best show of the year, it had been on Netflix's top ten for eight weeks, and Camila's performance was certainly being spoken about. She had put her heart and soul into that show last year, she felt like she had become Beth Harmon, and it had payed off. The day the show had been dropped, they had been Portugal for the Grand Prix, and everyone had crowded into Lewis's hotel room to watch the first three episodes together. It was really sweet, Camila felt so supported by everyone in the Formula One world, she loved being part of it.

After months basically off work, aside from the odd online interview, Camila had realized she was much happier this way. Much happier out of the press, out of Hollywood scandals, out of the public's ever prying eye. Sure, she didn't exactly have privacy, but she had more than she'd ever had living in America. Camila wanted to win her Emmy, hopefully for the Queen's Gambit, she wanted to make history as the youngest ever EGOT, and then she wanted to settle down. She wanted to move to Europe and spend her days with her friends, following Lewis to every race at every corner of the Earth. She wouldn't quit acting, she loved it, she would still work if she found a project she genuinely liked, but Camila would let herself rest. The problem with doing so much so young, Camila felt like her career was already over. After she won an Emmy, what more was there for her to do. Surprisingly, she was okay with that. She had made her mark, it was time to step back for a while, figure out what she wanted beyond her job.

There was no way Camila could talk about the last two months and not talk about Carlos. He had stuck to his promise, taking Camila out for dinner after every race she attended. In Italy he took her to a small Pizza parlor and for gelato before they roamed Monza, eventually settling on the roof of their hotel for star gazing. In Portugal they went to a Japanese restaurant with the whole group, before Carlos pulled over on the drive home and they had sat on the hood of his car for hours. Camila remembered that night so clearly, it had been uncharacteristically cold, and Carlos had given her his jacket. In Spain they had gone to a traditional Spanish restaurant that Carlos knew the owner of and spent hours walking around the streets of Barcelona. Camila loved Barcelona, she used to spend months at a time there, it was nice to be in the city with someone she actually liked.

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