𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐯𝐢.

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february 11th, 2022

Camila was absolutely exhausted. She was sitting in a car on her way home from the Madrid airport, her head drooping every few seconds, threatening to fall into a deep sleep.

It was nearing two in the morning, a time that Camila, a girl who loved to go to bed early and be up with the sun, was not particularly loving. But it would be worth it. Just to see the grin on Carlos' face when he realized she was home early would be worth it.

She had spent the last month in London, going through the rest of her mother's things with Anthony. They were deciding what they were going to keep in Anthony's house, what Camila would be taking home with her, and what they would be packing away in a small storage unit. Camila couldn't bear to actually throw any of it away, at least not yet. Even her mother's old planners, full to the brim of doctor's appointments and Lewis' race times were packed neatly away in a box in the back of the storage unit.

Carlos had offered to go to London with Camila, but he was just about to get back into the mindset of racing and getting ready for the upcoming season. Besides, this was something Camila needed to do with just Anthony.

Only a little over a month ago, Camila had officially moved out of her own apartment in London and into Carlos' house in Madrid. It had been a quick move, only six months into their relationship, but it didn't feel rushed at all. The few days Camila had spent living with Carlos before she had flown back to London had been perfect.

As well as going through her mother's things, Camila had been busy emptying out her apartment to sell. She had gotten rid of the furniture she didn't need and shipped the rest of it to Madrid. She had been planning to stay in London until at least the 16th, which just so happened to be the day that Carlos left for Maranello, where he would be doing Sim work until the 22nd, when he had to fly to Barcelona for pre-season testing. Camila had been planning to fly to Barcelona and meet him there on the 23rd, seeing him for the first time in over a month, but her apartment had sold quicker than expected, leaving Camila with no reason to stay in London.

Naturally, she had booked the first flight back to Madrid, which just so happened to be a red-eye, Camila's least favorite type of flight. She had, of course, not slept during the flight at all. But it was worth it to see Carlos two weeks early.

Camila became less and less sleepy as the car drew closer to her new home in Madrid, the driver expertly navigating the streets in a way Camila never would have been able to. She was insanely grateful that she had had the foresight to call a driver who's number Carlos had given her ages ago. He said that the guy often drove around celebrities and knew how to be discreet, something Camila was certainly looking for.

By the time they drove through the gates and pulled into her long, winding driveway, Camila was practically wide awake. The knowledge that she would be seeing Carlos again, for the first time in a month, had shot energy back into her.

Camila jumped out of the car the moment it pulled to a halt, running to the trunk and attempting to pull out her massive suitcase. It was a bit heavy for her though, and the driver ended up helping her lift it out of the car and onto the ground. She gave the man a last thank you before she grabbed the handle, pulling it with great effort up the front steps and toward her door. It took her a minute to find her keys, she had thought that she put them in her jacket pocket, but she had left them in the front pocket of her suitcase.

She pushed the door open slowly, shutting it behind her the moment her and her suitcase were safely inside. Lola was already at her feet, winding around her legs with a loud purring noise. Camila bent down, pulling off her sneakers and scooping Lola up in the process, ditching her suitcase in the entryway.

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