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Getting out of bed the next morning was basically torture for Camila. Their flight to Brazil was at 8:30am, and they were planning to leave for Heathrow airport by 5:30 at the latest. Lewis had a thing about being at the airport at least two and a half hours early. It was currently 4:30am and Camila was dragging herself out of bed and stomping down the long winding staircase, her legs feeling like lead. She didn't even bother changing out of her pajamas. Before she did anything, she needed some coffee in her system. Some very, very strong coffee. Camila was used to sleepless nights on movie sets, but that didn't make them any easier. She knew she wouldn't get through the day or the upcoming flight without some coffee. No matter how tired she was, there was no way she was sleeping on that plane. She had never once in her life been able to sleep on a plane.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Camila stumbled into the kitchen, yawning loudly. She expected to be met with a dark and empty room, but instead, she found Carlos sitting at the island, taking small sips from a large glass of water.

"Oh, Carlos." Camila said with a soft smile, trying to hide the fact that she had almost jumped out of her skin. She had not been expecting to see anyone this early. "Good morning."

"Mornin', Mila." Carlos's voice was tired, but he still managed to smile back widely. "How'd you sleep?"

"Not well." Camila admitted, leaning against the counter, yawning yet again. She had gotten maybe an hour of sleep the night before, her mind had been too busy running rampant.

"Me neither." Carlos look a long drink of his water, sighing deeply. He hadn't slept at all. All he could see when he closed his eyes was Camila's beautiful face. In the guest room there was a candle by the bedside table, the same candle Camila brought with her everywhere and lit before bed. When he was almost asleep, Carlos had been close to convincing himself that Camila was in bed with him. That the marshmallow scent was coming from Camila's hair and not a slowly dying candle. But then he remembered she wasn't there and every time the revelation made him wake with a start.

"Any particular reason?" Camila questioned, trying hard to blink the tiredness out of her eyes. Her words snapped Carlos back to reality.

Yes, there was a reason, Carlos thought. It was because he couldn't stop thinking about Camila all night. "No reason. At least I'll sleep on the plane."

"You're lucky." Camila pushed back yet another yawn. "I can never sleep on planes."

"I hope you know that your shoulder will be my pillow." Carlos grinned at Camila, leaning against the tabletop.

Camila was really trying hard to ignore how good Carlos looked right now. With his messy bedhead hair, tight gray pajama shirt, and deep sleepy voice, she was practically drooling at the sight of him. "We're literally in first class, Carlos. The seats recline basically all the way."

"Still, get your shoulder ready." Carlos reached over to flick Camila gently on the arm with a smirk. Camila pushed him away teasingly, turning away and walking to the coffee maker.

"Alright then. I will." Camila smiled, pulling a large mug out of the cabinet. "Want some coffee?" She turned back to Carlos for a second.

"Yes please." Carlos said, holding back a yawn.

Camila pulled out another mug from the cupboard, rolling her eyes when she noticed that both the mugs in her hands had Lewis's face plastered on them. She pressed a few buttons on the ancient coffee machine, winching as it whirred to life. It was making a loud grinding and rattling noise that made Camila's head pound. "I hate this goddamn coffee maker."

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