𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐯.

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november 18th, 2032

So many people had told Camila that motherhood would be the hardest job of her life. She had shrugged it off, it couldn't be that hard, could it?

Oh how she had been wrong.

With two girls, one age five and one age two, who both didn't know the definition of the word relaxing, Camila was more exhausted than she had ever been.

But people had told her another thing that had proved to be even more right. That motherhood was the most rewarding job in the world, no matter how hard it might be. Camila was exhausted, but she had never been happier.

Well, that wasn't quite true. She knew she would be happier when her husband finally got home from the last race of his very last season in Formula One. She had wanted to go to the race, maybe bring the girls, but Estrella had a dance recital the very same day as the championship and had burst into tears at the very thought of missing it. Camila wasn't going to do that to her daughter, so the three had instead camped up together on the couch, cheering Carlos on from all the way back home in Madrid.

Camila would be lying if she said she wasn't glad that her husband was retiring from motorsport. She loved Formula One, she truly did. She had grown up with it, it had been part of her life for as long as she could remember. She had grown up following Lewis around and had kept doing that well into her adulthood. She loved the sport, but she loved Carlos more, she loved having him at home with her and their girls.

"Sola, sit still, please." Camila begged her youngest daughter, trying to force a pair of red sketchers onto Solana's squirming feet.

Estrella was already fully dressed, sitting with the perfect posture her ballet instructor had trained into her, dressed in a tutu and a pink leotard. She refused to dress like anything other than a ballerina. Camila had no argument, at least she easily picked her clothes, unlike Solana, who had no interest in anything but the cars on her pajama set.

Most days, as long as they were staying home, Camila let Solana stumble around in her Ferrari themed pajamas, but today, when they had places to be, she had managed to wrangle the girl into a Ferrari shirt and a red tutu. She truly was her father's daughter.

Camila finally managed to shove the shoes onto her daughters foot, and stood with a satisfied sigh. Her girls looked undeniably adorable, with their full, curly hair pulled into pigtails and their big brown eyes they had most certainly gotten from their father.

"Are you girls ready to go to the airport?" Camila said, smiling as Solana immediately latched to her side, hugging her leg. If the two year old even remotely liked you, she would cling to you like a barnacle.

"We're picking up daddy?" Estrella asked, barely containing her excitement. She was practically bouncing in her seat on the couch.

"We are, mija." Camila said, grabbing the two coats hanging by the door. Puffy and pink for Estrella and Ferrari red for Solana. "Are you excited to see him?"

"Yes!" Estrella cheered, pulling on her coat with no argument. "He didn't win the race though. Will he be excited?"

"He'll be so excited to see you girls even though he lost. He loves you girls more than anything in the whole wide world." Camila said, leaning down to wrap the puffy coat around Solana's small frame. She was still too young to do much of anything on her own, which Camila secretly loved. She loved brushing Solana's teeth and helping her get dressed and doing her hair, she dreaded the day that the girl would be able to do it all on her own.

𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗗, carlos sainz jr.Where stories live. Discover now