Chapter 23

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"Alright class, I have an important announcement." Your teacher started. "There is a training camp coming up with some hero's that have offered to train you all." The class started to cheer but stopped once Aizawa's hair started to float and eyes started to glow. "It will be for a week and I, along with class B and their homeroom teacher, will be there as well." This sounded like fun, a whole week away from your father, amazing. 

" But..." The whole class froze as he started again. "Only those of you that pass all your exams will be able to go." A wave of fear washed over the whole class as the words escaped your teachers lips. You weren't that worried because you didn't have much trouble in your class so you were sure to pass your exams. On the other hand, you had no idea what final you would had to do in your basic training class so you were somewhat worried for that.


"Hey I'm going to the restrooms real quick. You can get lunch without me." You told your brother.  Lunch just started and you have been holding it since the morning. He simply nodded and left towards the cafeteria. 

When you were done using the bathroom you started heading towards the cafeteria but before you could turn the corner to the lunch area you felt someone grab your wrist. They pulled you back and pushed you to the wall. This felt oddly familiar. When you looked up you were met with Bakugou's ruby red eyes. 

"What the fuck was this doing in my bag?" He asked, holding up the hold medal from the sports festival. 

"I have no idea." You said trying to act innocent. "I mean it is yours." You said trying to not make him angry.

" No it's not. Not until I beat you." He said anger building up in him a he slammed him hands on the wall next to you head, trapping you. "I don't know what you're playing at but cut it the fuck out. Whatever the next activity is in basic training, I will beat you, properly this time." He said, now lower, trying not to alert anyone around you two. He leaned in, his lips just over your right ear as his right arm slowly slides the gold medal into your bag that was currently behind you. To anyone walking by, it looked like he was holding you, which was way out of character for him. "Make sure to get some rest tonight, I want you at your best when I destroy you." He finished his threat then lifted his head, glanced over your slightly pink face, smirked a little, then pulled his hand out of your bag and walking away nonchalantly.

You stood there for a moment, just stunned at the interaction. You had no idea what that was. You walked away when you saw people staring at you with a mixture of confusion and surprise. How embarrassing, people actually witnessed that. You collected yourself before stepping into the he cafeteria to get your food. 

Once you stepped in the cafeteria you saw your brother sitting next at a table with Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida. He looked calm and they were in the middle of a conversation so you didn't want to bother them. You were going to just not get lunch today, not that hungry anyways, and you didn't want your brother to see you and feel pressured to invite you over. This was until you heard a familiar annoying voice say something to them. 

"Well if it isn't the 1A losers." You knew who it was before even turning around. It was Monoma from class 1B, you thought that was the end and were just going to keep walking when he spoke again. "You all probably feel so special huh? Being in class 1A means nothing, you are all nothing." He just kept talking, feeling satisfied seeing the disturbed look on everyone's faces, except your brother. Nothing really got to him, and this pissed Monoma off.

"Well look who it is, Shoto Todoroki. I don't think I've ever seen you alone actually, you and your sister are almost inseparable." Still no reaction. Monoma  was getting frustrated. So were you, now making your way towards him. " Kind of weird if you ask me. I mean you two are like REALLY close, and you're a guy, she's a girl, people are going to start figuring you two out eventually." He teased and this made your brother's face twisted into a disgusted one, understanding what he was implying. 

"Wow dude, not funny." Kirishima spoke up, also understanding what he was trying to say.

"What?" Monoma raised his hands in mock confusion. Then he felt someone grab his shoulder but when he turned he was knocked to the ground by a hard punch to the face. 

"(Y/N)" Your brother got up and call out to you, knowing how you could get. 

"You're fucking disgusting!" You yelled at him. "What that fuck is wrong with you?!" You glared down at him, your hands balled into fists. Who the fuck does he this he is. 

"D-Did you just punch me?" Monoma asked, stupidly, grabbing his cheek, still on the ground.

"No. I lightly tapped you. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK?" You screamed at his idiotic question. You stepped closer, wanting to hit him another time before teachers got there it you were held back by your brother and Kirishima. Monoma was helped up by one of his classmates that just kept apologizing for his actions.

"(Y/n)" You turned your head and so Aizawa, just looking at you with a disappointed look and made a 'come here' motion with his hand. You rolled your eyes and shrugged Kirishima and your brother off you, visibly steaming with every step you took. Everyone just looked at you as you walked away in shock. This was very out of character for you. Once you left, it was quiet until Bakugou bursted out laughing, grabbing his stomach as Kirishima told him to calm down.

"Oh that was fucking hilarious. Copycat had it coming though." He was able to let out before laughing uncontrollable again. 

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