Chapter 51

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You took a step back and shielded your face as the wall came down. All Might made him presence known first.

"Don't fear, I am here!" He states his familiar catchphrase, making his way over to you and Bakugou. A newer pro hero with a wood quirk quickly detained all the villains while other pro heroes knocked out the scared man and the villain that can create portals.

"NO, IT ISNT OVER!" Shigaraki starts screaming, struggling  to escape. "YOU DONT GET TO WIN!" He crys out, still clutch his hand. "YOU BITCH! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS YOmmhghhm!" He adds before his mouth is covered by on of the pro heroes. 

"Young Y/n, Young Bakugou. Are you both alright?" All Might asks, placing one hand on your shoulder and the other on Bakugou's. "I know that was really scary." He added, bringing us closer to him in a kind of half hug. 

"What? I wasn't scared." Bakugou argues, pulling away from All Might. You turn to face All Might. Only having one thing on your mind right now. 

"All Might, how is my broACKAHHKCK!" You were interrupted by grey liquid pouring out of your mouth and almost choking you. You shut your eyes and brought your hands up to your mouth, struggling for air. The last this you hear is All Might screaming and then you're suddenly everything's quiet.

You slowly open your eyes to see that you're outside, in some abandoned building but the roof and some walls were knocked down. You saw a man in front of you, in a suit and his face was covered with some sort of mask that had tubes on the side of it. 

The others started to appear as well. The villains appeared next to him and Bakugou appeared right next to you. 

"Master! I'm sorry I failed you! Please let me try again!" Shigaraki said to the man, on his knees before him. 

"That's alright, I told you I'm here for you. I'd gladly let you try again." The man said in an understanding tone. 

"Master, can you help me! Please! Look what she did to me!" Shigaraki begs, raising his hand to show the man. 

"She did this?" The man asks and Shigaraki shakes his head. The man looks at you and you send a glare back at him, eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched. You were prepared to fight this man and he knew it.

 "That's not very heroic, is it?" He started, a hint of amusement in his voice as he was now talking yo you. "Wow, such fury in your eyes. You sure you're fighting on the right side?" He questions. You deepen your glare, anger rising up inside you. You were this close to finally seeing your brother again but this man just had to take that from you. 

Your hands clenched into fists and were engulfed in flames and you prepared to attack. Then you felt an arm grab yours. You turn to look at Bakugou as he slightly tugs at your arm, gaze never leaving the man in front of you.

"Don't be fucking stupid." He somewhat whispered and you put out your flames, but the man still heard. He was about to reply when he suddenly looked up. 

"Ah, there you are, about time." He said, causing you all to look up at what he was looking at. In the distance you saw...All Might coming straight in his direction full force. 

All Might comes full force at the man, but the man only raises his arm, an open palm in All Might's direction. Then, when All Might gets close enough, the man releases a ginormous blast, sending All Might flying backwards. 

Your hands fell to your sides as your eyes widened in shock. He just blasted away All Might, with one blast. 

"Don't worry, that isn't enough to kill him." The man says calmly to you and Bakugou. "Tomura, get out of here, and take those two with you." He said as he extended his hand out to the villain that can make portals, who was still unconscious. He released black tendril looking things from his fingers and made a portal.

The man starts to levitate and you see All Might coming back in the distance. All Might throws a punch but the man blocks it with one of his arms, unfazed. You look back to the rest of the villains and are already looking at the two of you. Now, we had to fight.

"Oh this'll be fun." Bakugou said, his cocky attitude returning. 

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