III. One Step Closer - Part 7 - Only When I Sleep

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"You're playing a dangerous game, Mara." Sage warned her.

With every word he spoke, he could feel his lips brushing Mara's and it was driving him crazy.

"I want to see your wolf, now!" She demanded.



"At your own risk. I would have warned you." Sage told her before letting his wolf surface.

With a growl, he captured Mara's lips. A kiss to which she responded straight away. When she let out a small moan, Sage took her lower lips between his before nibbling lightly. She opened her mouth and moaned again, and he took the opportunity to deepen their kiss. Within minutes they had both lost control and allowed their passion to consume them. Mara had wrapped her legs around Sage and was sensually caressing his chest. While Sage had both hands on her buttocks. Feeling his sex harden, Mara began to dry pumping him. She had never felt so comfortable. She had never wanted anything like this... So intensely. Feeling her panties getting wet, she ended their kiss and stepped back.

"What's going on? Is this too much?" He asked, noticing the changes in Mara's eyes immediately. She was still the vengeful Mara, but her eyes were filled with doubt.

"Yes, it's too much!"

Remorseful, he began to apologize: "I'm sorry Mara. I should never have-"

"Shut up, please! It feels so good! But so frustrating at the same time. You're making me feel so out of control. In your arms it's like I have no control. And Goddess, how I love being in control. I need to be in control. And yet, the more I touch you, the more I want you. I want to feel your hands on my body, your lips too... I want so badly to know what it would feel like to feel you inside me that my panties are soaked. I never liked what those men did to me and yet I want you to do it to me. To have you possess me in every way possible! To claim me! What is wrong with me?!" She cut him off and poured out her thoughts in one breath. During her monologue, Sage moved closer to her.

"This is new to you and you're terrified, that's normal. Sex and love have never been associated with desire or your feelings before. But what you're feeling right now is normal. It's the way it should have always been." Sage reassured her, gently caressing her face.

"I really do blow hot and cold!" Mara half-joked.

"That you do!" Sage said in agreement, a smirk on his lips.


"Don't be. There's no rush and we'll go at your pace." Sage tells her, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"What if I don't want vanilla sex?" Mara said, burying her face in his chest and inhaling his delicious smell.

"It's up to you. I desire both Mara, making sweet love to you but also fucking you out of control. But I would never do anything you didn't want or weren't ready to do. What matters is that I have you by my side."

She raised her face to him and he was surprised to see the other Mara was back, but for once her eyes weren't devoid of emotion.

"Teach me." She begged him. She was showing him her weaknesses. She was vulnerable in that moment and reminded him of the Mara he had known when he was 16.

"Mara..." His voice was choked with emotion.

"Teach me to show you my emotions. Teach me what it is to be loved. Show me, what it is to make love gently and kindly." She begged him again.

He nodded, unable to speak, his throat tight with emotion. He carried her to the back of his pickup and physically showed her how much he loved her.

They both lay in the trailer of Sage's pickup looking up at the stars. Well, Sage was asking himself a thousand questions. Had she loved him? Had he lived up to her expectations? Had he satisfied her? After all Mara had a lot more experience than he did.

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