Chapter One: Thinking of the Future

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25th of June 2014 - Mon Reve Royaume, South of France

Flipping through the pages of the morning paper, Simon FitzClarence couldn't help but wonder when the media would grow tired of reporting on the royal wedding that had happened a month earlier. 

Even now they wrote headlines discussing the newest royal married couple and what they were doing despite not having seen them since their wedding day when they departed for their honeymoon in France. 

"Good morning husband," his wife greeted with a smile on her face, the lovely summer sun gracing the patio as she stepped out of the villa with her breakfast to join him. 

The weather had most certainly been on their side while they had been here and Adeline had certainly caught the sun while they had been out here. 

"Good morning my love," Simon replied setting down the paper and turning his full attention to his beautiful wife, he didn't think he would ever get tired of calling her that.

 Adeline was his wife now, Adeline FitzClarence and he wouldn't change that for the world. 

"When is our flight home?" Adeline asked a little sad that their time here was coming to an end and it was time to return to realty; to start their married life back home with their families. 

Simon sighed leaning back in his chair, he knew that they couldn't put it off forever and this month had been nothing sort of amazing; the break away that they'd needed after their wedding. 

"6pm, we need to be at the airport for 4pm," Simon replied knowing that they had seven hours of travel ahead of them to get home; there was a layover in Paris for about two hours. 

They would fly back economy after flying privately here to not attract attention from the media about where they were spending their honeymoon; they didn't want the paparazzi following them out to the villa. 

"I've packed my suitcase, just got a few bits to put in my carry on," Adeline said bunching on her toast, she didn't want to forget anything especially things like her phone charger not that she had used her phone all that much. 

It had been nice to disconnect, step back from the outside world and just enjoy her time with Simon without any distractions. 

"Do you think Flynn has missed us?" Adeline asked thinking about their dog, who was currently being watched by the Cambridges in their home with Lupo.

William and Catherine had assured them that they'd look after Flynn, the dog would enjoy the gardens at Anmer Hall where they were spending the summer with George. 

It was hard to believe that her nephew was nearly one, the last year had flown by and Adeline knew that the little boy had done a lot in the first year of his life.

George had attended his first royal tour with his parents in April when they had travelled to Australia and New Zealand for three weeks although he had only made two appearances the entire trip. 

"I am sure he's been having far too much fun to even notice that we've been gone," Simon said with a smile, he had no doubts that Anmer Hall had provided a great escape for the dog especially while the renovations were taking place in their new homes. 

It would be nice to truly settle into them when they were finished, York House would be their city base while Barnwell Manor would be their country home. 

Adeline laughed at that, she could imagine him frolicking through the grounds with Lupo without a care in the world. 

Looking out across the beautiful gardens that surrounded the villa, Adeline would definitely insist on them returning every year if they had the chance to do so. 

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