Chapter Twenty-Four: Baby FitzClarence 2

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4th of March 2017 - St Mary's Hospital

Leaning back in the hospital chair, Simon stretched out in the chair as best that he could while he watched the doctor check Adeline over; things were progressing a little quicker than they had when they had come here when Daphne had been born. 

The news had broken not too long ago that they were at the hospital, the media having been camping outside the hospital since the 1st of the month and speculation had already begun on when the announcement would come. 

Daphne was with her grandmother and Anne had been staying with them since the end of February for the moment that they'd have to rush to the hospital. 

Daphne had been born in five and a half hours, they had been warned that second children tended to arrive a lot quicker than the first. 

Guy Thorpe-Beeston and Sunit Godambe had arrived shortly after the couple had done, both checking in with Adeline to see how she was progressing. 

They had been the two men in the room when Daphne had been born two years earlier, both happy to assist with the impending birth this time as well. 

"It looks like we're ready to start pushing," the doctor informed the couple, a smile upon his face as he moved around the hospital bed. 

The news catching Adeline by surprise, she thought she'd have a bit more of a wait before they'd be welcoming their baby into the world. 

Simon stood from his seat, it seemed like they wouldn't get to see the bookies odds on what they were going to name their baby this time. 

Taking Adeline's hand without any hesitation as she was finally instructed to start pushing, Simon whispered words of reassures into her ear; he didn't care how hard she squeezed his hand, not when she laboured to birth their child. 

Sweat beading on Adeline's forehead as she strained to push her baby into the world, her hand held on tight with Simon's as she screamed; she could barely hear the encouraging words that Simon whispered in her ear. 

His free hand brushing the strands of hair away from her face as she fought on, the doctor encouraging her and instructed until there was a shrill cry and he lifted up the baby. 

Tears filled Adeline's eyes as her baby was put on her chest, it had felt like a lifetime since she found out that she was expecting their second child. 

It felt like time stood still in this moment and Simon pressed a kiss to the top of Adeline's head as he told her how proud he was of her.

"Congratulations it's a boy," the doctor announced as he allowed Simon to cut the cord, the baby boy safely on Adeline's chest as she stared at her baby whispering words of greeting to her little boy that was very welcome indeed. 

He became the seventh great grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and the fourth grandchild of Prince Charles; he would also mark the first time that a son would not displace an older sister in the succession. 

Simon pressed a kiss to the top of Adeline's head as he stared at their little boy, he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that they had made something so perfect. 

"I can't believe he's actually here," Simon said knowing that he'd have to add another pendant to the one that Adeline wore around her neck, this one would have their son's name on it and his birth stone. 

They already had his name picked out, completely certain of it and it seemed that Daphne had already given her baby brother a nickname when she had heard what they were going to call a boy. 

Although Daphne had made it more than clear that she wanted a baby sister, she talked about how she would dress a sister up like her dolly and they would play house together all the time. 

Princess Adeline, Duchess of ClarenceWhere stories live. Discover now