Chapter Forty-Five: The Wedding of Eugenie and Jack

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12th of October 2018 - St George's Chapel, Windsor

It was a lovely day in Windsor for another royal wedding, the weather had been abysmal in recent days, but it had perked up for the wedding of the second daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York. 

Although there was a strong wind which might lead one or two of the guests losing their hats as they made their way to the doors of the chapel. 

The family were out in full force, the event feeling very much like a royal wedding and the mood was upbeat despite the dark clouds of Andrew's actions looming over the day. 

Arriving by car along with the Cambridges and the Sussexs, Adeline was more than relieved to step into the chapel after shaking hands with the Archbishop; she was ahead of Harry and Meghan, who were in turn ahead of William and Catherine in their arrival. 

Their father would arrive shortly after them while Camilla wouldn't be in attendance as she had a prior commitment to attend to; a visit in Scotland that had been set before the date of the wedding had been announced. 

Stepping out the wind, the Clarences moved inside just in time to witness Meghan bodycheck Harry so that she could shake the hand of the archbishop first before they headed inside followed by the Cambridges. 

There were far less crowds outside the castle than there had been for Adeline and Harry's weddings, though it was more than likely due to the Wales popularity with the people more than anything else. 

The six of them were shown to their seats, Adeline and Simon would be seated next to her aunt Anne and Timothy on one side and the Sussexes on the other. 

Making their way down the aisle with quiet conversation, Adeline laced her fingers with Simon's who gave her hand a squeeze knowing that she wasn't quite feeling her best today. 

Turning to get into the second row of pews, Adeline got her first real look at Meghan since before the summer break one that made her stomach turn, her brow furrowing at the odd way that Meghan was wearing the coat; like she was trying to send a message that had not been announced yet.

The only time Adeline had known for coats to be worn in such a manner was when the wearer was very pregnant, and their bump no longer allowed them to button their coat closed. 

Taking their seats, Adeline nudged her knee into Simon's who gave her a small smile and took her hand again now that they were seated; four and a half years ago, it had been them who had been getting married in this very chapel. 

They nodded with a smile to Mr and Mrs Brooksbank as they were led to their seats, Jack's parents looking thrilled on their eldest son's wedding day as one might expect. 

Leaning forward to speak with Zara who had turned to ask Harry a question, the words that excitedly fell from Meghan's mouth were not the ones that anyone hoped to hear on another person's special day. 

"I'm pregnant," Meghan whispered excited to share the news, her face lighting up unable to believe that they were going to be parents; they had only found out a few days ago but she was so eager to share the news. 

Zara looked at her in surprised while Harry's face turned glum, he looked upset that she had shared the news with his family especially on his cousin's big day when he had told her to keep it quiet. 

"Oh wow... congrats," Zara stated after a moment, she smiled at Meghan knowing that she must have been thrilled with the news especially since they'd barely been married for five months. 

The only people who had them beaten for fastest royal baby announcement after a wedding was Adeline and Simon who had announced their first pregnancy four months after the wedding. 

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