Chapter Seventy-Three: The New Man

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3rd of June 2021 - FitzClarence Manor

Taking a deep breath as the car came to a stop, Anne tried to hide the nerves that she felt as she stared up at the place that had been her family home for years. 

This was the place that she had raised her children, that she had been nothing more than Edward's wife and had seen the wedding of two of her children. 

FitzClarence Manor would always be close to her heart, she had so many memories that she adored of the place and Anne doubted that she would ever think of anywhere else as her home like she had done with the manor. 

Climbing from the car, Anne was so happy to see all her children in one place again; the family gathering in the gardens for lunch for the first time in over two years. 

"Are you sure that it's okay that we are here?" Edmund asked approaching Anne, he looked around nervously as if expecting someone to tell him to get out. 

He didn't even know if she had told her children that he had been invited to join them during this family gathering since this was the first time he would be meeting her family. 

They had been courting for three years now, neither of them in any sort of rush and it was just what they had both needed especially considering the opposition of their relationship. 

Susan wasn't the only one not taking the news that Anne and Edmund were seeing each other well, his ex-wife had thrown quite a fit when she had heard that he had moved on from their relationship. 

"Of course. You and Violet are my guests," Anne assured him with a smile, she wanted her children to meet the man that made him happy and she was sure that they would be welcoming. 

There was no chance of any drama since Susan had made it more than clear that she wasn't interested in spending time with her family especially with her interested currently focused on her new boyfriend. 

Prince Joseph Wenzel of Liechtenstein, Count of Rietberg was the poor soul that Susan had apparently sank her claws into with the help of her aunt who was happy to act as chaperon on their dates. 

It was hard and Anne knew that there was little that she could do about the situation, she refused to sacrifice her happiness for her daughter's demands. 

Edmund nodded his head, a nervous smile on his face before Anne lead him and Violet into the manor; the sound of her grandchildren playing making her feel even more at ease knowing that this was now a place of happiness.

"Nana," Daphne called racing towards her grandmother when she spotted her, a smile upon her face as she darted ahead of her brother, the twins and her cousin who all turned to look at Anne as she appeared. 

Sebastian was a quick second followed by Jia, Albert and Helena as they raced to meet their grandmother and her guests. 

"Did you bring us anything?" Daphne asked knowing that her grandmother often had treats hidden away in her bag for them, she peered up eagerly as her mind raced with the treats that could be hidden in the bag. 

Anne laughed and nodded her head, it was a wonderful feeling to be greeted by her five grandchildren and she was so happy that she was involved as much as she was in their lives. 

"I might have," Anne replied, she glanced towards Edmund as she straightened and she was sure that it was a little strange for him to be here like this especially given the fact he had no grandchildren of his own yet. 

Violet was thirteen years old, a lot younger than Anne's children who were all in their twenties and thirties now; it was unlikely that she'd have children of her own anytime soon. 

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